What are you canning now?

Today was 12 half-pints of tomatillo salsa.... Clearing out the tomatillo plants and gotta use up all those peppers somehow. I think tomorrow may be red pepper jelly followed by a dice-n-freeze fest.

We grew tomatillos for the first time this year. They sure make good green salsa. We didn't get enough to can any but next year will be a different story!
I have never gotten those to grow. Do you do something different than tomato?

I just put some seeds in a starter tray and set them out in a raised bed once they got big enough. Used some Miracle Grow on them, staked them up when they got tall. I've read you have to have at least 3 (better to have more) for pollinating purposes. I had a few in the green house too but they didn't do as well as the ones outside in the raised beds.
The first year we planted the purple variety of tomatillos because that was the only seed we could find locally. Zero results from those. This year we were able to get the green ones and they did pretty well, we just didn't plant enough to have extra for canning.
From what I was told, you need to have at least two (2) tomatillo plants for cross-pollination. We had 3. The two closest together had large fruit. The one on the other side of the yard didn't produce as well.
We grow, dry / smoke, and grind all kinds of peppers

I have wished that so many times. and gas burners. My pots are so big that I can not fit two on the stove. I have to use a deep pasta pot for the hot water for the canning jars, then a six quart pot for the rolling boils...and I just keep the sterile jars hot in the dishwasher because there is no room for them on the stove.
Wow does that sound like my kitchen at canning time. I do have a gas stove, but I can only fit 1 canner on at a time. I too have to keep my jars in the dishwasher right up to the time I need them. I have very little countertop & no island so when I'm canning I have to put a card table up for extra space. This summer while making the pickling solution for a type of pickle that takes 2 weeks to make. I had one of the table legs collasp as I was pulling it across the kitchen. 1 container of chuck pickles & 8 cups of sweetened pickling solution hit the floor. It was a horrible sticky mess, the worst part was all the spices that make up pickling spice spread all over. Of course I was in the middle of canning something else so I threw towels at the mess & a hour later had to try to clean it up, uggh :mad:
Came into a huge amount of tomato paste via my father in law, so I'm tempted to make up some ketchup or tomato soup. Never made either before, only sauce.

Also today is apple pie filling canning and hand pie filling (which is more like applesauce). I like to make homemade Pop-Tarts that aren't the chemical bomb that you buy at the store and having filling for them on hand would be so nice. :)
Hi hippiestink, I have always wanted a recipe for canning apple pie filling. Would you be willing to share yours?
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Beet kvaas?

I'm canning the last if my beets and want to make kvass... Anybody have some golden pointers or tips on what how when.... Organic beets, salt, water... That's it? No vinegar? No yeast or starter?

Sorry to sound curt and rude lol, I'm rushed this morning :p

@Beekissed I KNOW you have something to say, at least, I hope ;)
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