What are you canning now?

Not if it calls for pressure canning. There's a lot you can do with your hot water canner, though. The first year I canned, I never used my PC. I did jams, pickles, tomatoes, chutneys. Some salsas were ok. You just can't do beans, broths, soups or veggies. Just use safe recipes and follow the directions, it's not cooking so you can't tweak anything except dried spices. No adding extra onion or peppers.
Try habanero gold, that's one of my favorite recipes and one of the first I made. So good with cream cheese and crackers, great for gifts because it's beautiful in a jar, just buy the peppers from the produce section.

"Ann, here are two versions. The first is the original Habanero Gold, but it makes a small amount. The second is Readinglady's adaptation of it, it makes twice as much. Of course, it takes liquid pectin which I often have a problem with, but I can't figure out how to make it without the pectin.
Habanero Gold Jelly

1/3 cup finely sliced dried apricots
3/4 cup white vinegar
1/4 up finely diced red onion
1/4 cup finely diced sweet red pepper
1/4 cup finely diced habanero peppers, including seeds
OR 1/4 cup diced, combined jalapeno and Scotch Bonnet peppers
3 cups granulated sugar
1 pouch Certo liquid pectin

Cut apricots into 1/8 inch slices. Measure into a large deep stainless steel saucepan with vinegar; let stand 4 hours. Individually, cut onion and seeded peppers into 1/8 inch slices; cut slices into 1/4 inch dice. Measure each ingredient; add to apricots. Stir in sugar.

Over high heat, bring to a full roiling boil. Stirring constantly, boil hard 1 minute. Remove from heat. Immediately stir in pectin, mixing well.
Pour jelly into hot jar, dividing solids equally among jars and filling each jar to within 1/4 inch of top rim. Wipe rims. Apply lids.

Process 10 minutes in BWB. Cool upright, until lids pop down, about 30 minutes. When lids are concave but the jelly is still hot, carefully grasp jar without disturbing lid and invert, twist, or rotate each jar to distribute solids throughout jelly. The jar can be inverted temporarily but do not allow it to stand upside-down for prolonged periods.

Repeat as necessary during the cooling/setting time, until solids remain suspended in the jelly.

Yield: 3 half pints

Hot 'N Sweet Confetti Jelly
1 cup minced dried apricots (1/8" dice) Note: Could use dried peaches or pears instead.
1 1/4 total cups minced red sweet pepper and minced red onion (1/8" dice), approximately half-and-half.
1/4 cup Habanero peppers
Note: For extra-hot, increase Habaneros to 1/2 cup and reduce red sweet pepper/red onion combination to 1 cup total.
1 1/2 cups white vinegar
6 cups sugar
1 3-oz. pouch liquid pectin (I used Ball, which I've decided I like better than Certo.)

Prep apricots, peppers and onion. Place in a large, stainless or other non-reactive pot. Add sugar and vinegar. Bring to the boil and cook 5 minutes. Pull off the burner; allow to cool, cover and let sit overnight.
Stir occasionally if convenient.
Note: 4-6 hours would be plenty, so the time doesn't need to be any greater than the soaking time for apricots in the original recipe.
Next day, bring the mixture back to the boil. Stir in liquid pectin. Boil hard 1 minute.

Pull off the heat. If necessary, skim foam. (I did need to skim a bit.) Let cool 2 minutes, stirring to distribute solids. Pour into jars. Stir to distribute and remove air bubbles. Do the usual with the jars and lids, BWB 10 minutes.
When jars are sealed, "agitate" to distribute solids throughout the jelly.
Yield: 6 8-oz. jars."
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There is a great canning book online, a PDF file that can be downloaded for free at the NCHFP website. It has all the information on how to can, use of the pressure canner and boiling water bath, recipes, time charts, practically everything. It even has recipes for fermenting pickles and saurkraut!
I need to get to the store for onions and celery, process some chickens. I just noticed that I'm almost out of chicken stock. I use it for practically everything! Looks like this week I know what I'll be doing. I have a bunch of Cornish X overdo to process and the pantry is bare so stock is in the making, will be processing chciken's today and tomorrow.
well i made the cowboy candy and used my new pressure canner as a water bath canner
just did not tighten the lid just placed it on top.

don't think there's gona be more pics from me as am nearly use all my space on here


I never upload pics here if you have the pics elsewhere online such as facebook, a blog, or an online photo album like photobucket or tinypic you can just copy and paste the url of the pic and post it here with the IMG tags around it. To find the url you can right click on any pic and find it. BYC's upload thingy takes too long on my computer and doesn't always work.
I had a link to canning citrus slices. I had to wipe my hard drive and I did not bother to copy it.
I think it was on the same web page as the watermelon jelly.
Let me dig a bit and see what I can find.
I love mandarins. You're so lucky!

I can not get my computer to work quicker than a rock,or i would work harder to find it for you. Here is the link, you might find it under canning , freezing, drying on the left side menu.
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I AGREE with the previous poster.... It is much easier and quicker to upload you pics on some place like photo bucket and then just COPY and PASTE the image code into your BYC post....
So, I never heard back on thoughts of canning this. Any comments or suggestions? I hadn't thought about canning this recipe before fut now you've got me thinking

I don't see why not - I can a sloppy joe sauce and a BBQ sauce that are similar. If it were me I would make my own ketchup but that is me. You might want to test the ph level before waterbathing it though because not all ketchups are made equally. The acid may not be enough. Wait I just saw the oj - that might make it acidic enough maybe someone else will chime in. If it were me I would WB it for 40 minutes (quarts) 35 minutes (pints)

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