What Book are you reading?

I keep thinking I should try that, as I love his other work so much. I've heard it's quite different, yet still the same quality, so that's a bonus!
The Codex Alera is a fantasy setting and it's written in the third person rather than the first person like the Dresden books. It's the latter fact that probably made it so different for me. Try it!
Right now I am reading The Atlantis Gene. Great book so far full of suspense and twists it keeps me guessing. It started out a little slow so just give a few chapters it gets better.
Good thread. I'm surprised I haven't noticed it before now. :lol: Recently my interest in reading books, novels in particular, has declined but I was (and I'd probably say still am) a huge fan of Alistair MacLean. Earlier this year I re-read a great book we picked up somewhere called "Running Blind", by Desmond Bagley. Very interesting and a clever story.

Right now I'm working my way through a non-fiction book called "When a Billion Chinese Jump" by Jonathan Watts (a British journalist). It's about China and development, climate change, politics and all that fun stuff. There are some parts which leave one terrified about the future of mankind and civilisation, but there are also some very inspirational sections concerned with how we can change and do things better. One would think a book of this topic would be boring and scholarly but it's written like a travelogue and very engaging.

P.S. Read through some earlier posts - Animal Farm was good. Scary in how its simplicity could be so effective. :p
Oh glad I found this threa. I was considering making one, but there's no need! Oh wait. Maybe there is a need. This thread hasn't been used since June 11, 2014.

I read animal farm. It made me cry. :hit

I'm currently reading 'Whatever Happened to Penny Candy', 'Jane Eyre', and the 'When calls the heart series by Janette Oke.
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Animal Farm was one of my favorite books growing up. I think I read it three times. Once on my own and then again in grade school. I think I had to read it in college or high school as well. I have to say it was more fun to read before I knew it was about dictators!

Right now I'm reading a book called House of Leaves. It is a really creepy book about a house that is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside. Rooms start appearing out of nowhere to the family that lives there and the husband begins making a documentary about it. I'm only in the very beginning but it has already grabbed me! It's quite a hefty book though, so definitely not a quick read!

I recently just finished book 7 (I think?) of the Dexter series. It really wasn't that good. I was bored most of the time and I'm not even sure I will read the final book of the series. The other books were awesome (other than number 3), so this was a big disappointment!
I read Animal Farm for school, so I knew it was Dictators. Also saw the cartoon and it was so sad. :(

Jane Eyre isn't very big in appearance, but the words are so tiny it makes it WAAAAY longer. Very good though!
I've been trying to read "Know and Grow Gesneriads" ( plants) because I hybridize streptocarpus. But booklet and I didn't agree so that's done.
Just finished reading "The Chicken Chronicles" by Alice Walker (It is only one book; not a series)

Alice Walker wrote the "Color Purple" before Steven Spielberg purchased the rights to the book and directed/created the movie "The Color Purple."

Currently reading The Illiad, (by a Rosemary someone), Raising Turkeys, Ducks, Geese, Pigeons and Guineas by Cynthia Haynes, and C. S. Lewis & Narnia for Dummies by Richard Wagner.

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