What Breed are These Beautiful Birds? (Pictures)

Too much red for a black star sex link. I'd really like to know where Central Tractor gets their chicks since they sure seem to sell an odd variety--I have 6 pullets from them 1 is a WR, two are RIR and the other 3 , apparently, are Sussex.
I looked up the breeds to compare them with my hens and roosters. Some are so close in breed type that I still don't really know.
Fiesty has been dubbed a black sex link and not dubbed a black sex link.
How about the last rooster, Tweety -- two different opinions on that one.
Any more takers?

I do remember that Fiesty had a very small white dot on the top of her head when I bought her. With the little knowledge I have, I thought she was a Barred Rock. She also had a hard start in life. I dropped a heating lamp on her when she was only a few days old. Thought I had broken her back. All my kids started crying and I thought she was going to die as she would not move at all and was kind of limp. I held on to her for a long time wrapped in a little wash rag and dropped water on her beak. She perked up and now..well..you see how she looks. Hence the reason for her name.

You guys are great. I love BYC people!

Oh yes...would someone give me some information on roosters living together. I really don't want to give any up, but I don't want them fighting each other all the time either.
i have 5 roo's that free range my back yard. the have the occasional tiff but other than that they get along fine. all the boys know who's boss
I had four different roos in my pen they did great until I introduced a game roo and he killed the others well he is gone now. They seem to do better in my experience when they have grown up together or near each other and don't fight that much just a little here and there territorial stuff. But even ewhen penning roos beside each other for a while that haven't been raised together I have always had problems.
i have 5 roo's that free range my back yard. the have the occasional tiff but other than that they get along fine. all the boys know who's boss

That makes me feel better. Mine free range also.

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