What breed or breeds and gender do you think this 5 month old is?


In the Brooder
Nov 5, 2016
I just adopted this 5 month old chicken from a family who wanted a hen, but thought it was a roo. What do you guys think of sex and breed? 20171010_182311.jpg 20171010_182223.jpg 20171010_182214.jpg 20170929_103152.jpg
I'm no expert at breeds, but the black feathers and white earlobes make me think Andalusian, and possibly a hen... But like I said, I'm only familiar with a few breeds.
black minorca hen would be my guess? Possibly a black leghorn (livorno) but doubt it. Not confident on the hen part, but feels more hen than roo to me.

The white earlobes make me cross off a lot of breeds and it seems to have a smaller more perky body with a perky tail which makes me think Mediterranean breeds.
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My guess is either black australorp hen, or jersey giant hen. Sometimes a comb that is flopped over like that can indicate the chicken is not hydrated enough, isn't getting enough nutrients, or is sick with something. It's not always super serious, but you might want to look into that a bit. Maybe it's the breed, but a lot of breeds with even really big combs are supposed to have them standing up right. I could be wrong but I just thought I'd mention it so you can make sure she's ok :)
Blackpullet4Moold.jpg Looks like a hen to me. don't know breed, likely a cross breed. I have a little hen looks like her without that big a comb, she is a Barred rock cross, but is solid black with white ear lobes. that was a month ago, her lobes are whiter now. She just started laying eggs.
I've got a hen with a comb JUST LIKE THAT sold to me as a black marans; has foot feathers like a maran, lays eggs like a maran, was supposedly bred only to maran roo before I got her and I managed to hatch one of her eggs and he did not have the foot feathers; so maybe she's got summat else in her or I had my leg pulled. I'm voting mixed hen.

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