What breed will you never have again? Me? It's...

MFP, I love your avatar! So cute!

Thanks -

It's one of my Black Tuxedo Buttons.
What??? really?

My cochins are the only ones I like. Barred rocks are the worst. Feather picking cannibals.

I raise and breed rock birds whites and barred there the sweetest bird I have ever seen everyl last one of them is nice even my roo's out of 350 birds I dont have mean birds so to speak however the bantam Buff brahma this guy isnt exactly mean just one sick pervert who thinks he needs to fertilize my hand everytime I take him out of the cage to clean it.
ME too! and mine weren't hatchery-and he was a JERK!!! he's gone now

Really? Mine are not hatchery and i love them, i have 1 roo and 2 hens, they are sweet hearts.
My 2 Japanes/Sultan Bantams look really nice but are very flighty and always getting picked on by the others. I wouldn't reccomend them to anyone else.... but I really do like the ones I have even though they run every time they see me.
Although I've enjoyed them, my Buff Orpington hens are fat and heavy and not athletic enough to handle the perches like the other breeds. They seem prone to bumblefoot, and take a long time in the morning deciding to come down and join the rest.

My EE's seem to lose their back feathers more easily than some of the other breeds. It's hard to come up with a good saddle system.

My Salmon Faverolles were hatchery stock and most of the chicks died, and my hen that made it to adulthood got sick and died, but had a nice temperament.. I loved the roo, though. He was not Alpha, but was the most protective and brave of the entire flock. That's how we lost him. He would confront predators while everyone else hid, and a cat got him. I cried over him. Beauregard ("Good-looking")

I haven't decided for sure not to have any again....but I've noticed that I'm hesitating to get more at this point.
Same here! We had two Silver laced hens and oh my!! They were so mean to our Silkies, they would pick on them until they bled! They were horrible to catch and pecked you when you did catch them. They were wonderful egg layers though and since we got rid of them our eggs have slowed wayyy down!
For me, the polish would be a never again breed. I've got 4. Two and two. They are completely ostracized from the flock, even within their own breed. They will NOT come near me, for anything, not even food. They're poor layers. One hen will NEVER leave the nest, even though she's not broody. She gets in, and just walks around. Jumps down the ramp and flies back up again. They are crazy.
Also, my Phoenix hens. They are SO flighty. Just a bunch of freeloaders.
Blue Andalusians they we absolutely the most neurotic birds I have ever had to deal with. The few we started with this year didn't even make it to lay their first eggs before we sent them off to the farm down the road.

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