What Chicken Breeds do you Dislike & Why?

I dislike all crested birds, silkie and polish. I think they are highly overrated. They are poor layers, they have little meat and in my experience they are pushovers who don't stand their ground.

I also dislike commercial hybrids, they are not hardy and they are destroying the heritage breeds. I prefer my barnyard mutts more than these breeds.

I don't like any overly fluffy birds like Orpingtons or Cochins either.

I don't understand the purpose of those sneaky little bantams, too little meat, too small eggs.

I also dislike all kinds of breeds that are out of chicken stereotype.
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I love my Buff Orp, but what really made me love her more this year is what a WONDERFUL mother she is! This is my first time have a broody raise chicks and she is doing a stellar job! And since she is friendly with me, she has brought her chicks up onto my lap. Melts my heart!
I so agree with you about Buff Orps. I have only one (I am a first time chicken mom too). When she went broody for the 3rd time this summer I went to Tractor Supply, got 4 babies and tucked them under her that night. She is a WONDERFUL mother also! It's a delight to watch her teach them to eat, scratch and dust bathe. She loves raspberries. The other day I dropped a few in the run for the girls. Instead of running and gobbling them up like usual, she picked one up, crushed it in half and dropped it and called to the chicks, then stood guard while they ate. So sweet. :love
I am not a fan of silver laced wyandotte. The feathers are cool, but the comb is downright hideous, especially on our rooster. The rooster we had was so mean and aggressive and we refuse to buy any more silver laced wyandottes.
I have a single combed SLW. :)

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I so agree with you about Buff Orps. I have only one (I am a first time chicken mom too). When she went broody for the 3rd time this summer I went to Tractor Supply, got 4 babies and tucked them under her that night. She is a WONDERFUL mother also! It's a delight to watch her teach them to eat, scratch and dust bathe. She loves raspberries. The other day I dropped a few in the run for the girls. Instead of running and gobbling them up like usual, she picked one up, crushed it in half and dropped it and called to the chicks, then stood guard while they ate. So sweet. :love
Isn’t that the sweetest? Mine are almost 13 weeks and she is weaning them. They still roost with her, but seem to be on their own otherwise.
I actually really like Cornish cross. They have a really sweet attitude. Once I have my own property I plan to let a broody hen hatch out or I’ll just put day old Cornish cross chicks under her to raise. I’m curious how they will turn out.

Make sure to put the chicks under an athletic hen and also let her own chicks with her. Put the adoptive chicks on the hatch day.
One of my rocks is an egg pecker, almost every other day I collect at least one egg with a peck hole in it. I have glass eggs or golf balls in all nesting boxes but nothing seems to deter the heifer. Other than that we love our rocks as they were our first.

You are kind to tolerate her behaviour. I would have made a tasty tandoori chicken from her long ago.

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