What colour eggs will this EE pullet lay?


Oct 6, 2023
We like to play the guessing game with our pullets, so we are wondering what color of egg this Easter Egger here will lay. This is Peanutbutter, she’s about sixteen weeks old, and I’ve read that sometimes leg colour and earlobe colour can give us a clue. I don’t have any good pictures of her earlobes, but they are light green when I look at them. Here are her feet, while standing on my mom’s shoe.
We like to play the guessing game with our pullets, so we are wondering what color of egg this Easter Egger here will lay.
My guess: green eggs (not a dark olive green, but a lighter green that is in between olive and blue.) That seems to be the most common color laid by Easter Eggers (because it takes more careful breeding to get eggs at either end of the color spectrum, so the middle shades are the ones we see most often.)

I’ve read that sometimes leg colour and earlobe colour can give us a clue.
Those points might give a clue about what breeds were among her ancestors. Knowing what breeds were involved can sometimes help you guess what egg color she might lay.

But there is no genetic reason for any earlobe color to go with colored eggs (red lobes on Ameraucanas, white lobes on Cream Legbars, but both lay blue eggs) or for any leg color to go with colored eggs (slate legs in Ameraucanas, yellow in Cream Legbars, but they both lay blue eggs, and mixing them can produce some chicks and grandchicks with almost any possible chicken leg color, which will still lay blue eggs.)

In this case, I don't think the leg color and earlobe color are going to be very useful predictors of egg color.

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