What did you do in the garden today?

I sometimes accidentally pull out perennials that have not been in the same spot for several seasons too. I never thought I'd do this but this year new perennials are going in with a popsicle label for next year cause there is no way I am motivated to do that in the fall so I hope it works. BTW, this eager beaver weeding instinct does not last through the summer!
I planted three new trees. It took way too long because our soil is like rock, but now they are in well amended soil so I'm hoping they take off. Got a few more to go in ground as time and my back allows.
We had had so much rain all ready that I am praying some of this will go to California!

My cantaloupe and veggies are loving all this rain that's for sure!

My sweet corn looks real good as does everything else.

Everything loves the rain ...my whole garden is green...even between the rows....too wet to weed.
finally got some dirt in the coop garden and some plants and seeds down

What did I do in the garden today? I installed two modified Afnan Siphons!!!! My plants are now on a tidal timer for flood and drain, plenty of water and fish-made nutrients with a nice dose of gravity forced oxygen on a four hour cycle!

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