What did you do in the garden today?

These are Eastern Tent caterpillars. Unfortunately birds, including chickens, won't eat them... They are known to defoliate trees which is why I hate them so much. They also attack my strawberry plants.... I sprayed my trees and some plants with BT but we've had spitting rain off and on which washes away my efforts. I destroyed any nests I ran across but it hardly makes a dent.
Here is another bit of info . I do a little plant breeding and try different things . Here are some raspberries seeds sprouting . Difficult to germinate as they need a acid treatment then warm stratification then cold stratification . This imitates a bird pooing seeds in summer then going through winter . Um a large mammal works also . Me :oops:View attachment 2641404

interesting....didn't know about the acid treatment but it makes sense. I pureed some raspberries last summer, filtered out the seeds, put them in the freezer for 2 months, then thawed them out and tried to plant. Didn't get any takers. Bummer.

How did you acid wash them?
interesting....didn't know about the acid treatment but it makes sense. I pureed some raspberries last summer, filtered out the seeds, put them in the freezer for 2 months, then thawed them out and tried to plant. Didn't get any takers. Bummer.

How did you acid wash them?
I ate them and pooed in a big flower pot . Sulfuric acid is in the digestive system . I never had any luck with battery acid or bleach . Many say those work .
Cleaned out greenhouse beds and put starts out on shelves in the greenhouse. I have been taking them outside everyday and back in at night, Hopefully the wildly fluctuating temperatures wont do them in. I also did round two of my seed sewing of vergitables that will go into the outside garden. Yesterday I did a lot of weeding in some of my poppy areas and flower beds,so I made this little videos of my Poppies .
I ate them and pooed in a big flower pot . Sulfuric acid is in the digestive system . I never had any luck with battery acid or bleach . Many say those work .

Well, I asked...right?

My DH works for the Health Dept. If I pooed in a flower pot and put it in the garden, he'd lose his friggin' mind and have me committed.... 😂

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