What did you do in the garden today?

Good afternoon gardeners. Watering the lemon tree today but checked on all the stuff. The comfrey I transplanted a second time looks fine. I found a couple of borage sprouts near the tomatoes and beans, must have dropped them and missed that. The two borage transplants are looking iffy, we’ll see how they go. I’ve decided to keep the lavender because the bees love it. It’s not like I don’t have other stuff they love too, but I do like the smell and it doesn’t take up a ton of space. I’m going to test a comfrey plant out near the little Olive tree, it might already be too hot and the tree doesn’t supply any shade yet so it’ll probably die, but I’m giving it a shot. I got confirmation that the apple tree shipped today so this weekend I’ll be prepping for that. I moved the chaste trees to a spot where they’ll get more sun and a stronger breeze so they build strong roots and limbs. Can’t wait for those to grow up! Here’s a few pics from today, I think I have a cuke forming on the plant already; have a great weekend all!
Planted 17 rooted berry cuttings along the inside of the backyard fence and made chicken wire cages for each to keep the chickens from eating them.

3 Boysenbery
3 Loganberry
3 "Apache" Blackberry
3 "Black Gem" Blackberry
5 "Triple Crown" Blackberry

All thornless varieties. I might do a few more later if I can find any decent ones locally. One of the Loganberries.

We have a few nights of around to below freezing temps coming up. I really (really-really-really) hope that is the last of the crap. Yeah, I know we can still have frost for about another 4-5 weeks, but we can also have some nice days. Can't we? Please?

I completely agree!! By now there usually have been several nice days…but I think there has been 2, just two, that I was able to do anything meaningful outside. Today-wind advisory, very windy, strong gusts, but we worked on weeding. But nearly blown over. Rain tonight.
It was down to 37 last night but sunny today and got up to 52. We're expecting a nice day on Sunday but most of the next week is rainy but at least over 40 at night. Shopping day today after getting our covid boosters. I resisted the easter-eggers at Cascade but it was a battle. We have 3 live leghorn chicks and another day before the olive-eggers start pipping so if they all turn out to be roosters we'll get some more eggs. Hatching our own is just too much fun.
I dug and mounded soil for my potato rows and then planted 40 Yukon gold seed potatoes. I'll be doing two more rows (20 more seed potatoes) with my own seed potatoes from last year which are a purple (purple majesty) variety for sure and a pink (mountain rose) variety if I have any of it still. I stir I wouldn't grow the purple ones again because harvesting is a game of where's waldo, but I have them so what the heck.

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