What did you do in the garden today?

I finally sealed a deal for my house sale! I need time for paperwork but I hope to move by the end of this month. my new house require a lot of work but I hope I'll have enough time for my winter garden. thinking about a small green house so that I can start tomatoes and peppers in winter.

I know it's been a long road, and I'm happy for you!

Today, I finally cleaned up the strawberry and asparagus bed. There were SO many runners and daughter plants. I put them in water and texted people to ask if they want any.

Next year, I'm going to prepare a bed or two to start a strawberry "rotation" system.
you can use both. Can't say one is better than the other, because well, their quality can vary greatly. Many variables. Liquid fish fertilizer, nice but those premixed liquids I find are often a lot of hype and you get very little real 'kick' from them. Castings are nice and can be used right away.

Fish fertilizer, if you are not squeamish, goto your local fish store, and ask them for the heads and bones, and you can make your own. If you really want, you throw in a bucket and cover with brown sugar and let set a few months. The resulting tea is liquid gold. Me personally, Id rather just bury the fish head by the plant. Get plenty of nutrients this way and the potash from the bones too as an extra bonus. I used to do this when fishing, Id throw the bloody water from the cooler on my plants and bury the guts by them. They grew like crazy but be careful, guts n such, not only can stink but like chicken crap, can be real hot and burn your plants if you go too much.

You could use them both at same time but no need to.
it'd be like taking a liquid vitamin and a pill vitamin both at the same time. well.. ok... both work,.. but there's no real benefit from doing both at the same time.

This is also a HIGHLY subjective topic too, you will get internet experts from all over the place with 'answers' going all over the place. It's like with beekeeping. You can ask 10 people 1 question and get 15 different answers :D Not trying to say anyone here is FOS, but that you are going to get a wide response and none of them is really 'wrong'.

I used to do this when fishing, Id throw the bloody water from the cooler on my plants and bury the guts by them.
DH and I used to fish ALOT. Always did this. Man oh man will it make stuff grow! I have a 55 gallon aquarium. When I do partial water changes I use it on my house and porch plants. They love it!

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