What did you do in the garden today?

I took my tomatoes and eggplant out and planted the squash, okra, onion, radishes and bell peppers on 4/27.
Today I planted some herbs and had to re-plant my bell pepper as it never came up. My onions are not doing anything either.
I have to get some barley hay bales to clean up the algae. We have been looking for some pebbles that won't make holes in the liner and that will keep the algae at bay.
I used y'all's bug trap idea after picking off all the leaves that the bugs have eaten. I sure hope it helps. We are going to pick up some thuricide as you suggested last year Jerry and Dan.
The cows ate all the leaves except the squash.
I planted more corn, should have around 400-500 stalks in a couple weeks and me planting more every two weeks :th My okra is up, I planted it Wednesday so it's been five days but the packet say it should take 12-14 days :lau :confused: I guess all the rain we had over the weekend really sped things up. I have around 300-400 pink eye purple hull peas and around 500-600 more seeds to plant :th Got my sweet potatoes in and found a volunteer watermelon. :yesss: But the most exciting thing this week has been my chinquapin chestnuts flowering! I planted them three years ago as saplings when they were just a couple feet tall, now they're over five feet.
I thinned my lettuce, planted yard-long beans, weeded around my roses, and watered my strawberries, tomatoes, peppers, onions, herbs, chard, and cabbage. I need to get the rest of my beans and squash planted and roses to replace the ones that didn't survive the winter.
This morning I picked my first handful of blackberries of the year/ i noticed something ate one of my pepper plants so i set up some things to get rid of the problem I turned old logs this morning and collected the decomposed broke down bark to use for building my 3rd hugelkulture bed
I pulled weeds in the asparagus patch. Blech. These poor crowns have been through so much. Planted them originally 6 years ago at our former home. We moved here 3 years ago, and I dug up the whole trench and brought them with me. Planted them in a bad spot (thought it was good placement at the time, but hubby complained), so at just two years in their new home, I dug them up again and moved them to a new trench this spring. They're not liking the new location. Only a few sprigs are up after two months, some of those are dying and I don't know what to do. :(

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