What did you do in the garden today?

FYI you could root a larger sucker off of the larger tomato plants. They root easily just plant in a pot and keep in the shade until rooted. Should be ready to plant out in less than 2 weeks.
I've done that, it's a great way to get more plants without paying for them.
I don’t know how far away your local post office is but I get a lot of large heavy cardboard from my local post office. I saw a bunch out on the side of the building so I went in and asked about. They told me to take all that I want because they can’t get rid of it fast enough. They said they have a recycling company but they don’t come by often enough.
I get my sheets of cardboard at the grocery stores, even Walmart. They have them placed between the layers of bottled water.

I got my pallets at the post office and one at a thrift store.
LOL, I mentioned working a ladder into the design because I was imagining some big pumpkins growing on top of the arch, right in the middle.

No, Dear Wife is growing some bitter melons, which are about the size of cucumbers. I don't think any melons growing on the top of the arch will be a problem. Most likely, they will hanging down inside the arch.
I am at war with ants. We have a rule: stay outside, or if you HAVE to walk through the house, stay off my counters.
Nope. They have broken the treaty.
I know they're after water, but I feel like I'm on an elephant walk. I put borax across their path and by morning there was a trail THROUGH the borax.
I can't even tell where they are coming from, or going TO.
They are all over the front porch marching as well.
Tomorrow I'll pick up some home perimeter spray and some more liquid bait. They have got to go.
I am at war with ants. We have a rule: stay outside, or if you HAVE to walk through the house, stay off my counters.
Nope. They have broken the treaty.
I know they're after water, but I feel like I'm on an elephant walk. I put borax across their path and by morning there was a trail THROUGH the borax.
I can't even tell where they are coming from, or going TO.
They are all over the front porch marching as well.
Tomorrow I'll pick up some home perimeter spray and some more liquid bait. They have got to go.
They have invaded my potato and carrot beds. 🙄
FYI you could root a larger sucker off of the larger tomato plants. They root easily just plant in a pot and keep in the shade until rooted. Should be ready to plant out in less than 2 weeks.

I did not know that. I'm going to try that out because I had one tomato plant that died out in the garden. Would be nice to put something back in that spot. Does that rooting a sucker work on bush type Roma tomato plants?
I did not know that. I'm going to try that out because I had one tomato plant that died out in the garden. Would be nice to put something back in that spot. Does that rooting a sucker work on bush type Roma tomato plants?
It works for any tomato plant. If it grows a sucker, the sucker will grow if planted. I learned about planting suckers when I transplanted myself from New England into the Carolinas, where a second crop of tomatoes can be planted. We don't get our first frost until the end of October.
It works for any tomato plant. If it grows a sucker, the sucker will grow if planted. I learned about planting suckers when I transplanted myself from New England into the Carolinas, where a second crop of tomatoes can be planted. We don't get our first frost until the end of October.

Thanks. I'm going to try it.
I am at war with ants. We have a rule: stay outside, or if you HAVE to walk through the house, stay off my counters.
Nope. They have broken the treaty.
I know they're after water, but I feel like I'm on an elephant walk. I put borax across their path and by morning there was a trail THROUGH the borax.
I can't even tell where they are coming from, or going TO.
They are all over the front porch marching as well.
Tomorrow I'll pick up some home perimeter spray and some more liquid bait. They have got to go.
We just went through that too. I usually use a little terro & they disappear - not this year! They mobbed the terro trap & it was the most disgusting thing I've seen so DH did 2 doses of perimeter spray & all is pretty good now.
Good morning gardeners. Today is watering day. I've already finished up the high garden and the south slope. Apparently the sprinkler on the south slope does most of the corn patch. I was working on clearing the grass and weeds there and would get an occasional shower. LOL! Good to know so when I finish up the watering I only need to do a small part of the corn patch. I'm hoping to be able to mow the backyard today. Not sure, it will be 80F and humid so I may not be able to do that. It's really bright and sunny today. Scattered showers are predicted over the weekend and into early next week however no appreciable rain. Hopefully I can get some more weeding done in the corn patch tomorrow morning. I use the "no till" method for planting and it really does work well. The grass and weeds were already growing in the area I planted the corn. I usually clear most of the weeds and grass before planting but I wanted to get the corn planted quickly. Then I had to wait until the corn started coming up so I can work around it. I still have 4 or 5 days before it will be tall enough to plant the pole beans and squash. After that there will be very few weeds to deal with. I still have flowers to plant. It never ends.

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