What did you do in the garden today?

Got 3 cukes, a spaghetti squash, a yellow squash, a big huge pot of green pole beans and the last of the pea's that are looking worse for wear.

Poor peas. I really have to say for the space and the amount you get in return it's rubbish. I got enough pea's for one dinner. But it took up half a bed to grow them.
I did stagger plant but it seems to not have worked. Perhaps the heat.

Spinach is the same for me. I cannot grow spinach for the life of me! Its infuriating. I had a whole row planted. Our beds are raised beds with drip lines run so no water problems.
All I got for spinach was this sad little handful. Go figure.

I am anxiously awaiting my chicks becomming my weeders
Peas...yep, same here. All those "catalina beans" which are kinda like black eye peas, and all I got for my trouble after picking and opening pods was a handful! Never again.

I do have a couple of beautiful cantaloupes though. Can't wait to harvest those babies!
I finally grew a spinach crop this year by greenhousing and growing it over the winter. My aunt said she grows it in a cold frame over the winter. Otherwise it just gets too hot. I also grew peas that way and had them pulled out by the time I was ready to plant my main crops but they still don't produce much. We found we like snap peas just as well and we don't lose all the pods that way. It makes the harvest go further.
I harvested the last of the black currants, green beans, and some heirloom cherry tomatoes. The Hopi's are starting to set fruit and the melons are blooming. Still have a few yellow squash growing. We keep eating them as fast as we pick them. Most of my tomatoes are dying though so I'm starting new seed in hopes of getting a fall crop. Oh, and the eggplants are blooming finally. Yeah!! Harvested a few potatoes but the geese ate most of the plants so I'm not going to get much more, sadly.
I just noticed that I have a green pepper about the size of a golf ball on one plant. Cukes are about an inch long, and the zucc's are about 4in, a little behind the rest of you, but I'm catching up. strawberries are almost done, been training the runners back into the rest of the plants, planned out a container for them to keep the critters out, they got more than I did. going to put a hoop top over them.
I harvested about 9 cukes, 4 huge Zuchinni, a handful of plum tomatos.

I made me some B&B pickles for the first time. I couldnt see such beautiful cukes going to waste!

Those are beautiful pickels! I would love the recipe. I've never jarred my own pickels and I have been looking on the net for some good recipes. PM me if your willing to share how you did it!
Thank you much! Kimberly

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