What did you do in the garden today?

My right hip and knee are absolutely screaming and throbbing. I can hardly stand it. It's rare that it hurts this badly. I'm nauseous from the pain. I can't bring myself to get up and make dinner. It's like they're leaching pain into the surrounding bones. Ugh. But I finished planting the pie pumpkins, snacking seed pumpkins, and first set of summer squash plants. We'll see how these do. Hopefully the neighbors gophers don't get too bold. I've killed two over by the raised beds and one out front in the last three weeks. I am getting sick of them not trapping their vermin themselves... Their blasted loud solar noise makers... Caster oil... 🤦‍♀️ Then I have to kill them. I've killed over 280 gophers over the last 9 years on our 1/3 acre. I don't feel bad in the slightest.

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I noticed a gopher tunnel right through my newly tilled garden this evening.


I haven't planted anything in there yet but this has been an ongoing problem for 3 years now....
Does the yard count?View attachment 3801393yesterday we went to home depot and priced these lawn chairs resort style, not ratchet style. We also checked Walmart. We liked the price better at Walmart almost 1/2 for the lawn chairs. We also got the big towels.
Yesterday we also got patio chair table cushions, red, from home depot ( originally for different chairs.) Then today we went back to Walmart, and found red patio cushions for half the price. Well the cushions were cheaper, but in this case we liked the cushions that cost more from home depot. We will return the Walmart cushions.
I have those chairs. LOVE them. We often sleep outside when the weather is nice, or not so nice, if there is a good meteor shower.
A couple of the crocosmia seeds I saved from my plant last fall and planted are coming up. I thought it would be fun to see if I could get the seeds to grow.

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FYI all my fellow canners.
I purchased two cases of reg lid size, quart Anchor Hocking jars from TSC yesterday. They are interfering with my pressure canner lid. I have to space them out just right or the pressure seal button won't go down and seal. And the guard rails on the lid are banging the jar tops as you turn and close the lid.
My canner holds 5 quarts, but will NOT with the placement I need for these jars.
I've NEVER had this problem before.
They are a full inch taller than my wide mouth jars, but SEEM to be the same height as my other reg mouth jars, maybe just a tad taller.
I don't get it.
Picked some asparagus and cooked it for dinner!

Rejected kid is 10 days old!! Now she’s about 3.4lbs. We now put the other kids in cages st night so she get first dibs on milk in the morning, then the boys get let out to nurse. Teen gets her at 5 am to nurse, then a second session around 730 before teen goes to school. Here’s little (orphan) Annie from today:


Her name is Anastasia, but we call her Annie.
I've been needing some loppers to trim tree branches for a while and found a pair of Corona FL3420 anvil loppers at a nearby garage sale today. Good quality, but...

One of the handles had been "MacGyvered", as the woman at the sale told me. A broken handle was replaced with a section of an aluminum cane. Haven't tried it yet, but for $2 it was still a good score. If the cane handle doesn't work out I can make a different one.

It's actually kind of a funny fix. Combination walking stick/lopper?

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Nice find! those are powerful ones. It's worth getting a new handle for sure.
FYI all my fellow canners.
I purchased two cases of reg lid size, quart Anchor Hocking jars from TSC yesterday. They are interfering with my pressure canner lid. I have to space them out just right or the pressure seal button won't go down and seal. And the guard rails on the lid are banging the jar tops as you turn and close the lid.
My canner holds 5 quarts, but will NOT with the placement I need for these jars.
I've NEVER had this problem before.
They are a full inch taller than my wide mouth jars, but SEEM to be the same height as my other reg mouth jars, maybe just a tad taller.
I don't get it.
Well, that just sucks. You'd think Anchor Hocking jars would be standard size.
Picked some asparagus and cooked it for dinner!

Rejected kid is 10 days old!! Now she’s about 3.4lbs. We now put the other kids in cages st night so she get first dibs on milk in the morning, then the boys get let out to nurse. Teen gets her at 5 am to nurse, then a second session around 730 before teen goes to school. Here’s little (orphan) Annie from today:

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Her name is Anastasia, but we call her Annie.
Cute kid!

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