What did you do in the garden today?

I’ll check at TSC tomorrow if I go if not I’ll probably order the ones off of eBay
I usually get that size for 14.99-19.99 each smaller ones are 9.99. Call and ask them if they have the size you need in stock, it's on the side of the tire. Walmart even usually carries them. Cheaper here to have them replaced than repaired, unless you plug them yourself. Usually it's not a HOLE problem, but a bad rim seal.
East, maybe Geauga. Within an hour of Cleveland. 10+ acres (minimum 4 cleared) with a small to moderate house (3-4 bedrooms), bonus points for outbuildings or a small pond, legal to own livestock of all shapes and sizes. Reasonably priced, though I know that's ever changing.

Extra bonus points if it's kinda closer to Madison. I have some pals out that way, and that's where Red Beet Row and the druid colony and a bunch of permaculture farms are. It'd be nice to live near like minded people.

XD We've been thinking about this for a while.
Thats one of the places Ive been looking at too. Nice area. Aurora, last I heard, does not allow chickens. FYI.
My winter broccoli is finally ready!

That's just what I brought in, there's more out there too. Lovely mild taste.
I usually get that size for 14.99-19.99 each smaller ones are 9.99. Call and ask them if they have the size you need in stock, it's on the side of the tire. Walmart even usually carries them. Cheaper here to have them replaced than repaired, unless you plug them yourself. Usually it's not a HOLE problem, but a bad rim seal.
Awesome I will be at Walmart tomorrow for sure so I’ll check then. I just checked it is a rim problem I was already planning a trip to Walmart tomorrow to get the last of my seeds and other gardening supplies so I’ll check there and if they don’t have them I’ll check at TSC. Thanks to everybody who helped!
High 30s to low 40s and for here that's cold. It's raining and blowing too, so I only make mad dashes outside to feed and water critters, collect eggs, wash and drain the sprouting peas, but I still need to dump the rabbit litter in the garden, then get in the car and run to the feed store. I so don't want to, the cold cuts right through my jeans and multiple layers of shirts. I might wait till tomorrow for the feed run but I still have to get to a friends' place to trim the wings of their parakeet. They dote on him like crazy and he's such a sweet little boy, never even tries to bite me even when I am trimming wings and toenails.

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