What did you do in the garden today?

So I got another hibiscus bloom from a mystery hibiscus we got for free last year. Unfortunately we did not know it was a hibiscus so we planted in a place I would not have if we had known. Still pretty though. Additionally we are building a second hoop coop next to one of our gardens for the chicks growing out in three brooders. There will be a third coop to follow. Hopefully this one will be finished by next week.


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So I got another hibiscus bloom from a mystery hibiscus we got for free last year. Unfortunately we did not know it was a hibiscus so we planted in a place I would not have if we had known. Still pretty though. Additionally we are building a second hoop coop next to one of our gardens for the chicks growing out in three brooders. There will be a third coop to follow. Hopefully this one will be finished by next week.
That looks great!
Interestingly enough, I have bunching green onions in a different bed that were also ones I bought from the store. They were starting to go bad in the fridge so I planted them. They are going on 3 years old now and have flowered every single year.
I have 7 year old bunching onions that I started from seed. They seed every year and keep on growing.

Fire and ice hydrangeas loving chicken poo!
4x size even w cutting back last year
Chicken doodoo ftw!
I played w them as a kid too! Didn’t realize they are a pest in garden!
So long as they have lots of damp mulmy leaf litter or wood they leave plant tissue alone.

I'm an adult and I still play with them. 😁
I have some mole activity in one of my raised beds. I take a more "live and let live" attitude with the little diggers. They've never really done much damage, other than occasionally tunneling under rows of newly planted seeds, and the seeds usually still come up where they were disturbed.

My take is that the moles' tunneling aerates the soil, plus they excrete fertilizer deep under the garden. They eat grubs that may eventually do damage to plants. To me, that's worth having a few things in the garden being disturbed.


Or a cutworm.
I would leave the moles alone if they didn't attract my dachshunds... They absolutely destroy everything to get to the moles and gophers. I mean, everything... Except maybe the sidewalk/patio. It's terrible. It also gets so dry here that if a mole goes under my lawn it dries out in those spots and dies. We play on the lawn daily. I fertilize it, mow it, dethatch, etc. it's my baby even with the small areas that I'm not watering by hand enough in the heat. (We don't get any rain here from April to November usually.) I even mowed and edged it two days before I went into labor because I knew I wasn't going to get to mow after I was out of the hospital. 😂 I pulled weeds after my water partially broke and we were supposed to be going to the hospital. 😅

Anyway, there was a gopher in my tomatillo bed this evening. Quickly caught it with a gopher hawk trap. Within 20 minutes, I set the trap in the same hole just in case. She was right under one of my bell peppers. 😞 Hopefully it survives.

Caught another gopher in the orchard. Still after the mole.

I enjoyed my garden after my morning workout with my coffee. I love it in the morning light.
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My volunteer tomatillos are loving the chicken doodoo compost.

Harvested my icicle radishes. They are delicious although spicier than my large daikon radishes I grew last year.
After I got home from work and took care of the flock's needs I walked around the gardens and the yard in general. I noticed that I still had several 4 packs of annual bedding plants, unplanted. Knowing that they would die soon if I didn't transplant them, I picked up a garden knife and started finding spots for them.

The five Petite marigolds were added to the perimeter of the squash bed.

I removed the pansies from a planter and added portulaca. That's a lantana on the top.

Then I put four more in my wheelbarrow garden

I tucked another four portulaca in this garden's bare spots

Three more...aha!

They were tucked in amongst the irises and monardas in another new garden. You can just see the weeds invading on the right. I'll address them by this weekend.

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