What did you do in the garden today?

My potatoes already have flowers, I'm pleased!
potato Small.jpeg
Good morning all. Today looks like we may get showers on and off all day. I did some weeding after I fed the chickens. While I was weeding I had the sprinklers on the green beans to make sure they got a good drink after yesterday’s heat. I had planned to do some mowing and then weed whacking in the big garden. Oh well. All my recently started seeds are sprouting except one ancho chili and one jalapeño. I do have one of each already sprouting. I need to start the pumpkin plants and I may start some cucumbers.
My first Butternut Squash flower bloomed! I only have male flowers growing on the plant right now so I let it bloom and didn't tie it up because it's pollen won't be viable by the time any female flowers are around.

To fix my male flower problem, I cut off maybe 8 male flowers because there are so many of them and 0 females. Hopefully that will direct the plant's energy from opening the male flowers to growing female flowers.

My first Mini Pointed Pepper flower bloomed as well! More of them will follow soon!

My war on the roly polies continues!
My first Butternut Squash flower bloomed! I only have male flowers growing on the plant right now so I let it bloom and didn't tie it up because it's pollen won't be viable by the time any female flowers are around.
View attachment 3841286

To fix my male flower problem, I cut off maybe 8 male flowers because there are so many of them and 0 females. Hopefully that will direct the plant's energy from opening the male flowers to growing female flowers.

My first Mini Pointed Pepper flower bloomed as well! More of them will follow soon!
View attachment 3841287

My war on the roly polies continues!
I have heard of people breading and frying squash blossoms

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