What did you do in the garden today?

You are running early.
I bet you had a mild winter. We did and lots of ticks survived and are bad this year.
Super early. The main problem is that temperatures in the last decade or so begin to rise much earlier than they used to; but at the same time frost events still happen. We were just lucky in that the late frost we had after hitting +30 C was a modest one (-2 C) so most of the fruit survived. Grapevines are mostly burnt though.
And yes, ticks are having a party...
Normally this is the time we are planting: Memorial Day weekend thru early June. With the nice weather and lack of frost…we planted earlier, and are mostly planted at this point, with only a few things left.

One reason we wait us bc we have a few hundred acres of farm field to our west and a couple hundred acres to our east. (Neighbors north and south). The farmer sprays herbicide around mid-May, and they supposedly try to spray in still (low wind) days. This year many things showed herbicide damage -like fruit trees, and a few other things, so I guess it was a little more wind around the day the fields were sprayed. But this morning, the farmer was spraying Round-Up mere feet from my garden 😡. Yes, it’s corn planted there, so it’s Round-up ready, but I thought the novice was already sprayed. Thankfully no wind today, so I’m crossing my fingers that the garden doesn’t suffer much.
I hate Round-Up! Never knew farmers using it. I thought it's just for killing home weeds. I use 40% vinegar or hot water to kill weeds around my garden.
Round up ready corn and soybeans are the most common GMO farm crops around me. They can spray the crops with round up and it doesn't hurt them and is supposed to kill the weeds. But the weeds are becoming resistant. The pollen, which has the chemicals in it from the crops, blows onto plants butterflies caterpillar and such feed on. It an endocrine disruptor and the caterpillar are effected. Same with fireflies larvae that lives in the ground, fertilizer and pesticides effect them.
Normally this is the time we are planting: Memorial Day weekend thru early June. With the nice weather and lack of frost…we planted earlier, and are mostly planted at this point, with only a few things left.

One reason we wait us bc we have a few hundred acres of farm field to our west and a couple hundred acres to our east. (Neighbors north and south). The farmer sprays herbicide around mid-May, and they supposedly try to spray in still (low wind) days. This year many things showed herbicide damage -like fruit trees, and a few other things, so I guess it was a little more wind around the day the fields were sprayed. But this morning, the farmer was spraying Round-Up mere feet from my garden 😡. Yes, it’s corn planted there, so it’s Round-up ready, but I thought the novice was already sprayed. Thankfully no wind today, so I’m crossing my fingers that the garden doesn’t suffer much.
I hate roundup too. What I heard is they said (FDA) it was ok for us and animals. Well, now it seems it’s a forever chemical.
I even hesitate using copper for fungus! Borers took over my fig tree and I just cut it down instead of treating it. I have 2 new small ones I was thinking of putting in one of the chicken runs. If the borers return at least some sort of justice w my peeps eating them!!!
For those battling raccoons in gardens- I know the ones around me pass my garden for the cat food I leave out at night. I had started taking the food in to discourage raccoons but then they did mess w garden so I put it back out - trade off till we get population down
We've got a synergy relationship with foxes, too. The foxes go after rodents, voles, moles, rats & leave our chickens, Guineas & pigeons alone. A neighbor has fed the foxes ongoing. I just talk to them & they always liked hanging out in the far corner of my yard where they sunbathe. They always were congenial with me & like when I sit at the fire pit, they lay down nearby & watch the fire. It's been like this for years, I just hope it continues.

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