What did you do in the garden today?

Round up...what is sad is that you can do your best to make your own slice of land as chemical free as possible, but then right next door they can be spraying that crap. I have a neighbor that sprays down the entire side where our properties meet, as they put a fence in & that's how they address the weeds. Now, a new neighbor across our gravel road, has sprayed 8 acres. Of course the 80 acres that is farmed in back of my lot & down the other side is constantly sprayed with who knows what, applied by crop dusters & tractors. The owners of that land do not even reside in this state. So yeah...basically on all 4 sides, completely surrounding my little 2 acres spot, is full of chemicals, no doubt including Round up.

I have some excellent tasting well water here. It's probably tainted. Just pondering the chemicals used all over this beautiful planet, between the poisons & plastics, making our land & oceans toxic...it really is depressing.
That means their soil is basically ruined - if you wanted to grow wo roundup - glysophate
Borers took over my fig tree and I just cut it down instead of treating it. I have 2 new small ones I was thinking of putting in one of the chicken runs. If the borers return at least some sort of justice w my peeps eating them!!!
Fig tree in the chicken run? That sounds like a cool idea. I've had fig trees in the past, that did get huge. My chicken runs are enclosed so a fig would need to be pruned to only reach a certain height. As far as growing one...no doubt I'd need to block it off from the chickens at 1st, to give it a chance to grow, without them scratching & digging it up when it's still small. Anyone have experiences growing something like a shrub or tree inside a chicken pen/run? Please share your results.
They also spray Roundup on the crops AFTER harvest, to use as a dessicant. Traces of it are in everything we eat. I can't escape it entirely but I eat as much "natural" as I can.
One Degree is a brand of oats for oatmeal that I've bought at Costco that says it round-up free. $10/5 lb, roughly 2x the cost of Quaker, but worth it to me.
That means their soil is basically ruined - if you wanted to grow wo roundup - glysophate
It's really very sad. Ya know, I relocated here so at least since I've been here, no chemicals have been used here. I've waged war on weeds with vinegar, unsuccessfully, but at least I try, right? There is no way of knowing what's been used here prior to my arrival, though. I did get a chance to talk to the previous owners...yup, they farmed it & used chemicals. So unless you have had your own land for generations, you don't know who did what, or when they did it. 🤔
Fig tree in the chicken run? That sounds like a cool idea. I've had fig trees in the past, that did get huge. My chicken runs are enclosed so a fig would need to be pruned to only reach a certain height. As far as growing one...no doubt I'd need to block it off from the chickens at 1st, to give it a chance to grow, without them scratching & digging it up when it's still small. Anyone have experiences growing something like a shrub or tree inside a chicken pen/run? Please share your results.
I saw one vid he had hardwire around bottom and rocks so they don’t dig up roots. You are right about keeping it trimmed. If not in, then close by. They are around an old pecan that will need to come down soon (3 years
That means their soil is basically ruined - if you wanted to grow wo roundup - glysophate
Yes I was in a organic CSA before I retired.
Our state has a site for organic farmers to list so conventional farmers know not to spray them. Also rules about windspeed and spraying. They don't live on site.
Their fruit trees suddenly started dieing and the crops on the south side. Turned out the farm to the south was aerial sprayed on a windy day. They never did get compensated even close and since it would take 3 years to become organic again, they sold.
It's really very sad. Ya know, I relocated here so at least since I've been here, no chemicals have been used here. I've waged war on weeds with vinegar, unsuccessfully, but at least I try, right? There is no way of knowing what's been used here prior to my arrival, though. I did get a chance to talk to the previous owners...yup, they farmed it & used chemicals. So unless you have had your own land for generations, you don't know who did what, or when they did it. 🤔
I wouldn’t be surprised if it is in ours bc we get a lot of run off from several properties. If I had knowledge I would work on how to deactivate it. Would it be cool if it were something as simple as growing sunflowers then burning?
I wouldn’t be surprised if it is in ours bc we get a lot of run off from several properties. If I had knowledge I would work on how to deactivate it. Would it be cool if it were something as simple as growing sunflowers then burning?
Exactly...it rains, water carries stuff, the darn chemicals are basically percolated on down & carried, like a coffee maker percolates coffee. I think about everything trying to grow & the well water...

Ya know, I've seen generic water quality tests at Home Depot. They need to make a water test to detect the dangerous chemicals & make it readily available. I guess big pharma & big chem won't do that, though. It's not in their best interest...money wins. It's a vicious cycle, all in cahoots with the other. Make money selling chemicals that have all sorts of wonderful claims. Each chemical applied has another side effect, so ya need yet another chemical for that, you buy & they make $$$. Meanwhile, you & your kids genes get blasted with said chemicals & you end up with cancer, birth defects & who know what else, so now ya need chemo, medicines & ongoing treatment, which costs more $$$.

They are Not gonna give that up. I've had cancer 3x & can tell ya, each cancer occurrence ends up being 6 figures in their greedy pockets. Yes, between the medicines & procedures...6 figures. Per occurrence, per person. I'm not kidding. Want to hear something really interesting? They do not do these tests on tumors, you have to demand a test & pay for it yourself, and have the removed tumor tested for certain residual chemicals. It is shocking just how many tumors, especially those from the breast, as those cells naturally store traces (woman & men can get breast cancer, my uncle had it) & are found to definitely contain pesticide chemicals within them.

I do not mean to get off on a tangent, but it is true we are what we eat.

I read a book, just one man's true life story, he told it well. "Mad Cowboy" is the book. He talks about the whole system, not just about cows, it is well worth the read.
Mad Cowboy: Plain Truth from the Cattle Rancher Who Won't Eat Meat https://a.co/d/9HnNdfO

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I wouldn’t be surprised if it is in ours bc we get a lot of run off from several properties. If I had knowledge I would work on how to deactivate it. Would it be cool if it were something as simple as growing sunflowers then burning?
I've read where minerals can purge a person's body of toxins. Exactly what toxins & how many of what minerals to take...I really do not know the exact science.

I've read that planting certain ground cover crops can improve soil while also eradicating certain weeds. Do they help with toxins? Would minerals help remove the toxins in the soil?

I do not know the exact answers to these questions or what ratios would be needed.

The point is...why should we even be asking these questions...get rid of using the darn toxins in the 1st place is most logical. But their greed overrides logic.

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