What did you do in the garden today?

We are working Sat & Sun but we really need to get the rabbit deterring, deer netting fence up, hopefully Monday, so we can get seedlings out to the garden! (Where did May go? Time flies!)

The last Brussel sprout still clings to life. The rest are various types of tomatoes.
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Mother Goose & her fuzzy goslings visited.


1 eyed rabbit always follows me around. Not sure who attacked & took the eyeball. 😔
I've read where minerals can purge a person's body of toxins. Exactly what toxins & how many of what minerals to take...I really do not know the exact science.

I've read that planting certain ground cover crops can improve soil while also eradicating certain weeds. Do they help with toxins? Would minerals help remove the toxins in the soil?

I do not know the exact answers to these questions or what ratios would be needed.

The point is...why should we even be asking these questions...get rid of using the darn toxins in the 1st place is most logical. But their greed overrides logic.
Yes - greed.
I had read about sunflowers being used after oil spills to help remove it from ground. I wonder if it could do same w glyphosate
My little lady bug friends are returning. I put out a few thousand last year.I’ve seen several assassin bugs too! They are helping behind scenes.
Loofah’s growing up table!
I have snowbank berries and they looked like they were producing them stopped and 6foot canes shot up! Does that mean no berries this year?


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Fig tree in the chicken run? That sounds like a cool idea. I've had fig trees in the past, that did get huge. My chicken runs are enclosed so a fig would need to be pruned to only reach a certain height. As far as growing one...no doubt I'd need to block it off from the chickens at 1st, to give it a chance to grow, without them scratching & digging it up when it's still small. Anyone have experiences growing something like a shrub or tree inside a chicken pen/run? Please share your results.

I added a couple bushes to my run last year & blocked off the roots with rocks. Works great. Hilarious to watch the girls jump up to pick the leaves. :gig
Yes I was in a organic CSA before I retired.
Our state has a site for organic farmers to list so conventional farmers know not to spray them. Also rules about windspeed and spraying. They don't live on site.
Their fruit trees suddenly started dieing and the crops on the south side. Turned out the farm to the south was aerial sprayed on a windy day. They never did get compensated even close and since it would take 3 years to become organic again, they sold.
Yep. I'm registered and lost 1/2 my orchard at the beginning to asshole neighbor spraying 2-4 D on a windy day.

I've had another spraying weed and feed on a windy day about choke me out of my own home.

Last pre-ordered tomato plants have gone home with the owner last night.
The remaining ones in the greenhouse are mine, with spares for people that might get hailed out.

Tons of chores today and an online hs graduation this morning.
Yep. I'm registered and lost 1/2 my orchard at the beginning to asshole neighbor spraying 2-4 D on a windy day.

I've had another spraying weed and feed on a windy day about choke me out of my own home. They're commercially programmed to have weed free lawns. We're in the middle of the freaking country. Surrounded by pasture and woods. The amount of chemicals used to stave off weeds is insane.
That said I do spray the firebreak. Pulling and fire doesn't work. Heck. I sprayed this year and the weeds laughed off the new round up formula.
Last pre-ordered tomato plants have gone home with the owner last night.
The remaining ones in the greenhouse are mine, with spares for people that might get hailed out.

Tons of chores today and an online hs graduation this morning.
Still trying to rescue one of the crepe myrtles in the back yard from the honeysuckle. Had to take a break yesterday to cut down a mimosa that had come up from out of nowhere and was flowering. NO. Bad mimosa!
(They are non-native and very invasive in my area. A previous neighbor had a HUGE one in his front yard and I will be dealing with the fallout from that thing for the rest of my life, I'm sure.)

Looking to get American beautyberry to add to my back yard too. Still nursing along the wild grape cuttings, working on getting the rest of the blackberries planted... It's slow work but it keeps me busy! I'm only one person and I have to be careful not to overwork myself.

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