What did you do in the garden today?

Get a weed burner torch thingie. I want one for the honeysuckle and Virginia Creeper and wisteria and privet and poison ivy.
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Okay, NOT for the poison ivy. I'm planning on getting goats for that...
Doesn't work on live ragweed, especially ragweed coming up in seasoned wood mulch, ahem. ( have one, a small one and a LARGE one)
I use salt in 30 percent vinegar, boil them the till salt has disappeared. That is all I use I guess I am one that believes in
My go to for weeds.
My driveway is 3 cars wide and almost 400 yards long.
We tried the salt, vinegar, dish soap thing one year. Didn't work.
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I've used vinegar, salt, Dawn, baking soda, just about everything recommended. The poison ivy and honeysuckle plants laugh at me. Come to think of it, I tried using Roundup on those two ob-noxious weeds, once. They turned brown, then resprouted. :rolleyes:

I might give fire a try.

But not on poison ivy, I promise.
Bindweed is another one that makes me swear.
Bought a new tractor tonight... Kubota L2502 with backhoe, bush hog, and auger.

Supposed to rain tonight and tomorrow. Reseeded (for the 3rd time) some things that haven't come up or came up patchy.
I've just replanted my green beans out of 15 only 3 came up. My pole beans and cuke starts had to be replanted also.
The chicks turned 6 weeks old today. We got the coop finished up, and the run just had some finishing touches. Because the coop is done, the chickies got moved into their forever home! So, those stinkers are finally OUT of the garage! I'm trying not to be paranoid that we didn't predator-proof something and that I am going to wake up to dead chickens. Hopefully, I sleep well because it won't be as easy to check on them anymore!

Once the run is completely done, I can move on to getting the garden in the ground. I looked at my strawberries, and they're turning red already! I am so excited! I should get at least a small bowl full!

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