What did you make from your garden today?

I have a ton of cherry tomatoes (blue cream variety) and have been searching for something to do with them that doesn't involve a salad.

I came across this recipe and thought I'd try it... I have fresh garlic and fresh basil both.

I grind the cherry tomatoes in a blender and strain the pulp to make a light sauce for my swirl omelet. I use garlic salt, pepper, sugar and Italian season for flavor.
I strain the raw mixed eggs and add a little milk to make the omelet. It doesn't swirl as well without this step.
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I have been eating a lot of sweet potato leaves lately. It seems to be the only thing bugs don't bother in my area. I use it in my instant noodles, soups, and serve it al dente with butter or Asian style with shoyu and oyster sauce.
Do you steam them? How long?

I tried to eat one raw, thinking it would be good in salads, but it was a bit "fuzzy" feeling on my tongue. I didn't try to eat one any other way, so another option that has better "mouth feel" would be nice. I'm going to try again to grow sweet potatoes next summer.
I moved my chicken story to "What did you do in the garden."

I bought a package of instant sushi rice season to make sushi rice for my lettuce wrap. Its a sweet vinegar dry mix that is found in the Asian section of the market. I didn't follow directions, I just dumped my cooked short grain rice in a mixing bowl and mixed some season in to taste. Then I went to my local poke store and bought a pound of spicy Ahi poke. It looks like they mix crab eggs, raw Ahi, mayonnaise and chilly powder. Anyway, I spoon a little sushi rice on my fresh French lettuce and put a couple cubes of the spicy Ahi poke on it and stuff it in my mouth. I don't know if they sell Hawaiian poke in other parts of the world, but its always available where I live. This lettuce wrap is a flavor bomb.................


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