What do folks do besides take care of chickens I mean!

I am a stay at home mom. I alos have lots of chickens
. I sell eggs to pay for the chickens. I am going to home school my daughter next school year. My son in a couple years. I am a volunteer fire fighters wife( I was too untill I started having the children). Life is life.
Hey Wendy what company does your DH work for, my brother works offshore in LA also.
As for what I do, I am a phlebotomist. I get called a vampire alot!
(I need a smiley with fangs) I use to work as a medical coding analyst but due to layoffs I went back to the medical field. As for hobbies I am always dong something, whether it be working on our 100+ y/o home or just finishing our chicken coop, I also like gardening. I hope to have a small homestead at some point. I look forward to trying my hand at dairy goats and chickens.
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Patio - that is not boring- four kids is never boring and you work full time!!
This is so interesting - I'm glad I started it - I'm only part way through reading them all and I've noticed that we do share something besides chickens - for the most part we are entrepreneurial and not many of us like to have just one job! So interesting!
la banan (oh I'm a clown sometimes too - that's where my name comes from)
I'm in full time high school to gain some extra credits so I can apply to Trent University for English, and then a Post-grad in Education hopefully! at the University of Essex, England. My mum breeds Toy Poodles and Mini Labradoodles, Runs a hobby farm and small horse boarding facility, andddd my dad is a computer consultant for major financial institutions in Toronto.
hi..My husband and i are Treatment Parents for severly abused, neglected and high risk children...i'm also a certified nurses aide...and also..a medical coder and biller(went to college for it..havent worked in the field though...
..lol..)....my husband is a Sheet Metal worker. Thanks, Wendy
Hi - it seems we all wear many hats! I am a legal secretary and have been for 28 years. I also have an alpaca business that my sister and I started 3 years ago. We did not start this business to make tons of money, but because we love the animals. We also have angora rabbits. I spin, knit and crochet, and hope to eventually make some money doing this so I don't have to work til I'm 90! Lots of talent here. I don't have chickens yet but hopefully by next year!

High School teacher for almost 30 years...teaching in the various science and math fields. I taught Chemistry and Physics at a regular, comprehensive public school, emphasis on getting them into the college of their choices, but for the last 4 years I have been teaching at a continuation high school, emphasis on just getting students to graduate.
Started as a sculptor, graduated from Nursing School, spent 8 years as a City Council President, graduated as a Chef, wife to a retired police officer and part - time deputy Sheriff, mother to 2 young adults, caretaker to parents, dog, cat and 10 chickens, gardener, and now working at being self-sufficient.

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