what do you say to your chickens when giving them attention?

Swing them wattles and dough-see-dough
Turn the gals and flash them wattles!
Take your partner and turn her around
Steal her food and run around
Swing them wattles high and low
Take a bow and go, Stan, go!

This is going to haunt me for the next 20 years on here.....But, when I was first raising my peeps a few years ago and they just started that awkward stage I thought they looked like they had pickles for heads, SOOOO.... they got nicknamed "pickleheads". Up to this day when i get home and i call for the 'Pickleheads!!!!!" they come running. No wonder everyone things I am a moron.

hello pickleheads
Luv u pickleheads
'Bird gets talked to all the time. "HELLO 'BIG GUY!" he will flap his wings back at me 99% of the time back at me too.

I have complete conversations with them. They almost always bawk back at me.
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Yup, converstations, that's me. My two chooks hear all about everything, interspersed with endearments, of course.
A typical morning with the animals:

"Mornin' folks!"
"Jerry, you know that I always feed the cats and bunnies before you..."
"Okay all, run!" *as I open the coop doors*
"No spittin', pushin', peckin', or bickerin'!"
"Hey now.....!"
"Colossus, I just washed my hair. And now you're standing on it. Really, dude?"
"Patience is a virtue..."
"Hey, ducks! How's the duck-ducks?"
"Hey there, little rooster!"
"My chicks! My wittle chickaroos! My wittle shipoopis!"

Along with various chicken-y noises. :p

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