What do you think about this?


14 Years
Jul 22, 2009
Alapaha, Ga
What do you all think about useing LF Cochins to improve the type in project Orpingtons? It should'nt be too hard to breed out the feathered legs and yellow legs, and by then, I should be back to Orpington type. Any thoughts?
No- I wouldn't do that either. You'd have to work on leg color, carriage, and the leg feathering.
Just get some really typie orps, or maybe UK style ones if you want to make some changes.
There are plenty of good quality Orps out there, that it is not necessary to outcross, unless you're looking to move away from the Orpington standard. Adding cochin again would be a mistake imo. While you can breed out feather legs and yellow skin, there will be residual throwbacks for many years. Personally, I think if you like the look of cochins, you should breed cochins.
I also do not think it is a good idea. There are lots of people breeding quality LF Orpingtons that this adventure in the wrong direction would not be needed.
Oh, well thanks for all your replys, I just figured I could get some of the fluffiness of the Cochins and breed it into the Orp, I don't really like the looks of the Cochins, like hinkjc said, and I would not breed them, and I really don't care a whole lot for the Orps, but I do want to try do you a couple project colors and I wanted them to be kinda fluffy like I've seen some Orps so I thought I could just get a Blue Cochin roo locally and cross him into them and to get the large, fluffy apperace. But then I started thinking that the Orps aren't great layers in the first place, (that's one reason why I'm not really fond of them, I prefer Rocks myself), and I've heard that Cochins are even worse layers, so that would probably set me back on laying as well as the other things you all mentioned. I saw wilds of pa's Black Orps and I really like the type on them, but she's not selling any yet and I had a local breeder that had some, but he ended up selling all his birds.

So if any of you all can make me a good deal on a few eggs of good quality Blue or Splash and Buff Orps, I'd consider getting some of them and useing them, in stead of the Cochins.

Thanks again for all the replies.
Can someone post a link to a website or something for me to the American Oprington SOP please? Are our Orps not supposed to be fluffy?

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