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In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 23, 2013
Hi there- I got these from my daughter's school. They are about 8 weeks old. Both have blue-black feet, one feathered. Teacher said they hatched from dark brown eggs. Any guesses on breed or gender? It's just the 2 in all pics. Thank you!!
The first one isnt a silkie, although it is mixed with one. Two reasons it isnt a silkie-1 it feathers arent quite right and 2 it would of had to hatch from white egg to be a pure silkies as silkies lay white eggs and you said all hatched from brown. I cna't see the other chicken very well is there any way you could get a few more picture of it? Congrats on your new chickens!
I think they are both barn yard mixes...typically whatever the teacher can get either free or cheap for a class hatching project (often through the local 4H extension office which is often eggs from a local farm with mixed chickens...been there, done that, and it's a great project for the kids to do).

The top is a Silkie mix for reasons stated by the other poster. Silkie's are harder to sex, and this is a mix, so I will leave it to others to determine if that is a boy or girl. It has something of a higher stance, so it MIGHT be a rooster...but again, I leave that to others.

The second bird looks a bit like an Australorp, but the comb is wrong, or a Black Sex Link, but there isn't any red in it and wrong comb too (both of those breeds have single combs...your photo makes it look like it has a cushion or pea comb???? Could be just the blur making it look that way). That bird, sorry to say, is likley a rooster...that's a pretty red and developed comb and wattles for 8 weeks to be a pullet.

Good luck with your new birds.

Lady of McCamley
Hah, I read that the other one hatched from a brown egg and assumed that its feathers just looked odd from the lighting! Oh well, it has silkie in it anyway!

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