What have you repurposed while building ?

#2 salvaged windows, interior door (which I’m hoping holds up for a few years ) and interior 2x4’s. It’s still a work in progress!
Yup. Now I've GOTTA save that old carport. Guess it's time to clean out the mess in my garage so I can store it properly for awhile. That's gonna be a BIG job - but that's a good incentive to finally "Git 'er Done!"
I’ve seen some neat carport diys! I’ve never wanted one in my life... until now lol Great idea
More pics of my "garage frame chicken pen". This shows the coop that we bought online. As it aged and things started sagging (sound familiar?) we added supports under the nesting boxes, put it up on a frame with wheels so it could roll as needed.View attachment 1715791

What did you use to anchor it into the ground? I had a tent type one a few years ago... high winds and I held on to it thinking I would be an anchor. I’m lucky I didn’t end up in a tree! It lifted me at least 5 ft off the ground before the wind let up. I would’ve been a YouTube star had someone been filming! Next time I was going to use a ratchet strap and multiple cinder blocks or buckets of concrete
View attachment 1718044 I raided my husbands junk pile and made this coop for free, now just need to attach a run. Not sure if the birds will use the stairs I found from an old camper lol but I can convert it into a ramp if needed
They'll use 'em! I put an old, wooden step ladder in my coop and my bantams pop up and down the steps all day. I guess they can't read the warning label that says not to step on the very top or on the paint shelf ... because those two spots are the favorite roosting perches!
The "coop" was not anchored. It is inside the run which is sided with chicken wire, hardware cloth and shade cloth. The wind (and we get some heavy gusts) go right through the run. The coop has never moved unless we move it ourselves.

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