What is a good breed of dog?

my german shorthairs are fine with my free ranging chickens, ducks and turkeys.That said they are training hunting dogs, and they understand that chasing and killing birds in the yard is not hunting. They have a hugh prey drive (and take care of all predators that come on the property), but are also highley trainable.
I would stay away from the arctic breeds (huskies) very high prey drive with not an equal amout of trainabliltiy.
Thanks, All! After reading wyo's post I called the girl with the Huskie pup. Maybe she can bring it by after work. I will flip it over and rub its belly! I also hadn't considered a German Shepard but will now. Those are 2 breeds I never owned. My last dog, a Yellow Lab I rescued from neglect, ran away all the time. She was used to being locked in a cage in an apartment for 9 hours a day. When she got to the ranch she was beside herself. 7 acres was not enough and I was getting calls from people 3 miles away with 'we have your dog'. I was afraid she would get hit by a car. She went back to the shelter and was adopted immediately. That was before the chiks began taking over. Thanks again, and I'll let you know how the hunting goes.
I have a Westie and a Schnauzer, and they are great at keeping racoon's and stray cats out of the yard. But, they both do well with our cats and our chickens. I think it just depends on how you train them, but some dogs are probably harder than others. I would probably go with a cattle dog, but that said, everyone told me I shouldn't have a Westie and any small animals because of their prey drive, but mine guy is cool with little beasties.
I would Def stay away from a husky, I know every dog is diff , I have a dog that is 2 breeds that are normally good with anything, he is a newfie/pyrenes, put those two together and he will and has killed chickens....I had a pure newfie that was SO bad I actually placed her with a friend of mine that has No critters....so it is not Always particular breeds but more an individual thing, But some breeds are known for their prey drive and it's best to stay clear. It really is somewhat of a hassle having a chicken killing dog, I love my big guy and could never place him, he guards our property with his life and us, but heaven help one of my chickens if they somehow escape their yard
You asked the right group of people. I have a Pembroke Welsh Corgi and a Belgian Malinious (type of Shepard) both are great with the birds. They will lay in the yard all day with the girls all around. They only problem is the corgi likes the duck pool
. Do lots or research.Keep asking ? Any dog can be a good pet but it takes a special dog/pet to guard the feathered family. Try to raise the puppy with all kinds of baby poultry. I've had better luck with females with the mothering thing. Good Luck
I wouldn't necessarily shy away from "bird" dogs. I have three labs and two will kill birds and the third I can let in the coop and she will just sit and watch them and she is the one who comes from a long line of bird hunters and that is what she was bred to do. I think a lot of it has to do with how much training you give it but also I would shy away from any dog that is known to be strong willed and hard to train.
You will continue to hear the same thing about having dogs and chickens.
Every dog is an individual; while some breeds are better suited with chickens, it depends on the personality and training.

LGD's or Livestock Guardian dogs are bred for this purpose; Anatolian Shepherds, Great Pyrenees, Etc. are ideal. And I would probly never let a terrier or a hound near my chickens (Although it's heard of, I cant trust um)

I have a German Shepherd / Labrador cross. She is amazing with my chickens! Just like above, she protects them and guards the territory. She lets them clean the mud between her toes and roost on her
Very well trained and calm, German Shepherds are amazing animals. Intellegent, easily trained and loyal (why do you think they're police/service/rescue/etc dogs?). She is also very much half lab and has flushed and retrieved quail.... then come home to snuggle with her chicks. I love working dogs; she knows what her jobs are:)

Most everyone loves their dog. But do they know them? Can they handle them? By handle I mean control with commands, who will always listen despite it's insticts (GSD's are the best at this) I believe it's up to the owner to know if their dog is fit to be with chickens. Take the time to train, introduce, and supervise. A husky with chickens isn't impossible but it will be very hard and take a lot of time. They have traits that will not give you what you need out of a chicken dog (vs a guardian), and puppy will be especially difficult. There are many other breeds that would be a MUCH better fit (I've known Rottweilers, Shepherds, some Collies and Mastiffs that do really well with minimal training), but again, it depends on the dog.
Best of luck!
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Best luck on your hunt for a great guarding dog!

I have a cattle dog who is the most intelligent and loyal dog I've ever owned, and is great with animals. Buuut, cattle dogs LOVE being with their people. I could see one being either very unhappy or overly aggressive if not living a life near their owners. Lots of times families are surprised when 'old blue' bites someone in their family, when they've kept the dog out back instead of as part of the family. Huskies I'd really shy away from with this sort of work. They are high prey drive dogs, and are often happier to roam far, far from home rather than protect any sort of block of land. I'd personally stay away from small dogs who can be easily killed by yotes. I'd look to the large, independent guardian breeds as others have suggested. They know their job, know what to protect, and don't need constant owner interaction. Maybe look into Tibetan mastiffs too.

Edit: eep, realized I should specify that I mentioned Tibetan mastiffs because they are an independent and protective breed that can easily handle yotes. They are land guardians though, not livestock. I've heard of them used as such, but they must be trained or contained on property, and trained around animals. Which is why LG breeds would still be a better choice. I have heard some horror stories about great pyranese though, more so then some of the other guardian breeds, just FYI.
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I'd recommend a standard poodle. Yes, I'm serious. But, you may wish to check this thread first. https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=494597&p=1

They are incredibly intelligent and trainable animals. So intelligent that you may have a hard time keeping up.

Whatever dog you choose, I suggest working with a trainer to help select your dog especially so that you don't end up with a prey driven dog that you cannot work with. That can happen with many breeds, but there are ways to check the dog's prey drive.

Good luck!

When you do get your dog, please post a pic!

Unless you have some years of dog training experience under your belt I honestly would not go with the Husky. They are just not hard wired to be people pleaser's and therefore require much more time and effort in training. Even with all that you still have a breed that just naturally has a very high prey drive. This is often a dog who will do anything and everything to get out and run the countryside. He's not interested in staying home and protecting anything.

German Shepherd's also often have a high prey drive but they are a much more trainable dog IMO. I've had cow dogs, labs and shepherds who were all good with chickens. Not to the point of guarding and protecting them but they didn't bother them.

If you really want a dog that will have a high tendency to guard your place and animals you might want to look for a livestock guarding breed. That may give you the highest chance of ending up with the kind of dog you want, rather then your very own live-in chicken killer who then needs a new home.

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