So a few of you got your SGs around the same time as I did. In late August, we were getting--on average--7 eggs a day. 5 some days, 6 some days, also 7, 8, or 9. We have 8 SGs, 3 EES and 3 other fluff-mutts as well. Based on breed, age, color of eggs, and size of eggs, I was fairly certain the SGS and the eldest EE were laying. Fast forward a couple months....I suspect all birds are now laying. We have a variety of smallish eggs that I suspet are the EEs, Braekel, and BCM crosses. The only one that might not be laying is the BCM X....I expected a darker egg. I didn't luck out with the was supposed to be 1st gen...expected a blue-blue-green egg out of that one. Nope. The other 2 were 2nd Gen so I knew I might get a brown egg but both pullets were black with feathered legs and copper feathers so I hoped just maybe I'd get an OE. Nope. Both whitish brown :/ Regardless, I have 14 hens and I've only been getting 2 eggs a day. 1 SG egg...1 other egg. Each day, the 2 eggs are different so it's not the same 2 birds laying. I've scoured the coop and run for an egg stash; there is none. Lighting is less but we were still getting around an egg per bird a day with our red sexlinks last year at this time. Same lighting, same coop, same food. Birds are healthy, eat well, and no parasites that we can see. I pay a small fortune for soy free organic food that I ship up from Virginia. So 2 eggs a day? What has your experience been? Personality wise, these are hands down my favorite. But I thought they were supposed to be prolific layers?
Alloys are ;) And i cant say for certain the ring isn't just dipped in gold. But I'm assuming it's pure. So there you are correct. As for our bodies, they emit does every other substance on Earth. We are constantly reacting to our environment whether we realize it or not. I don't know what the science behind the gold ring test is (if there is any at all) but I suspect it has to do with energy. I can assure you that at the very least, both the chick and ring are emitting their own unique energy. I suppose those could somehow interact. But that's above my understanding
I don't wish to argue, all I can say is the radiation or EM energy we emit is not enough to affect anything, or else rings and metals would be reacting differently to different people/object and obviously that's not the case. If this had validity people would be using machines with alloys to sex chicks instead of paying chick sexers to do it.
Hey y’all! I noticed a trend when comparing sapphire gem pullets and cockerels. It may help relieve some fears of those concerned that they still may have a roo in their mists even without the classic yellow dot. It seems that roosters have a much lighter ring around the eyes as they develop while pullets stay dark. See the attached picture to compare a few cockerels to a pullet that was developing a bigger pink comb but was indeed a pullet. Pullets will also start to get darker feet while the roosters will start to lighten up. These are some early signs that may be evident by 3-4 weeks.


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I just used what I'm assuming is a pure gold ring from a great, great, grandparent. Tied a thread to it and just let it hang as still as possible abo e the chick. This time around, the results were odd. The ring swung one direction first and then indicated the opposite on a few of the birds. I have since researched if gender can change during incubation and it can if certain conditions are met . Not sure if that's what we had but my incubator went cold on 3 separate occasions with this hatch...and to get it back to temp, also got a bit hot a few times. So I'm wondering if the gold ring and any sort of magnetism/energy associated with it really is interacting with something specific to a chick's gender, if some of our chicks had in their DNA says they're one gender but their body obviously developed into the other. Wish I'd documented which ones confused the ring and what order it moved in. Next time!
It's amazing what we as humans can talk ourselves into believing.
So a few of you got your SGs around the same time as I did. In late August, we were getting--on average--7 eggs a day. 5 some days, 6 some days, also 7, 8, or 9. We have 8 SGs, 3 EES and 3 other fluff-mutts as well. Based on breed, age, color of eggs, and size of eggs, I was fairly certain the SGS and the eldest EE were laying. Fast forward a couple months....I suspect all birds are now laying. We have a variety of smallish eggs that I suspet are the EEs, Braekel, and BCM crosses. The only one that might not be laying is the BCM X....I expected a darker egg. I didn't luck out with the was supposed to be 1st gen...expected a blue-blue-green egg out of that one. Nope. The other 2 were 2nd Gen so I knew I might get a brown egg but both pullets were black with feathered legs and copper feathers so I hoped just maybe I'd get an OE. Nope. Both whitish brown :/ Regardless, I have 14 hens and I've only been getting 2 eggs a day. 1 SG egg...1 other egg. Each day, the 2 eggs are different so it's not the same 2 birds laying. I've scoured the coop and run for an egg stash; there is none. Lighting is less but we were still getting around an egg per bird a day with our red sexlinks last year at this time. Same lighting, same coop, same food. Birds are healthy, eat well, and no parasites that we can see. I pay a small fortune for soy free organic food that I ship up from Virginia. So 2 eggs a day? What has your experience been? Personality wise, these are hands down my favorite. But I thought they were supposed to be prolific layers?

So I got new 4 SGs with Black Copper Marans and a RIR, total of 6 chicks few weeks after you guys. I’d been getting average 5-6 eggs from them, whereas 1-2 eggs from my 30 older layers (18 months to 3 yrs old range) separate coop and no lighting supplement on both.
Here is an update of my girls at 8 weeks. I love that they each are varying shades! And they are still my favorite bread by far in ways of temperament. They are not skiddish or flighty like my Barnevelders roosters were. They let me pet them and even don’t mind being held. My oringal 6 didn’t even let me do that until they were ready to start laying.


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I don't wish to argue, all I can say is the radiation or EM energy we emit is not enough to affect anything, or else rings and metals would be reacting differently to different people/object and obviously that's not the case. If this had validity people would be using machines with alloys to sex chicks instead of paying chick sexers to do it.
It's still fun to try...keeps us busy while we wait for more convincing physical attribites to come in. No harm in having fun and guessing what could possibly make such a test accurate...even if it is a stretch....
It's amazing what we as humans can talk ourselves into believing.
No one is betting they're house on this.'s just for fun and it can't hurt to surmise how it might be accurate. If I had time to research this via actual Science, I'd probably learn a lot about energy, alloys, and all sorts of interesting things. But I'm too busy working, fixing up a house, raising 3 kids and carting them around all day, caring for 2 large dogs, 2 cats, mice, chickens, 3 aquariums (took 4th down) and a koi pond, all while cooking 3 meals from scratch, outsourcing nothing, holiday shopping, and dealing with a washing machine that broke that I can't afford to replace. So when I have a spare moment and I want a little fun, I just might sex my chicks with a metal ring like my grandmother might have....and in my dreams, imagine what it might be like to actually study the science (or lack there of) behind it. It's got nothing to do with belief...just mental survival when you're overwhelmed with everything on your plate and need a moment of mental vacation. Maybe it's pathetic but I find guessing gender with a ring on a string to be far more entertaining than 10 minutes on a couch watching sub par programming . So knock it all you want but I plan to indulge in this little practice with every hatch because it's a great excuse to sit on the floor and play with my chicks when so many other things demand my attention ;)
Well, we're back up to 7 eggs a day. Had to turn lights on due to schedules...can't get out to feed them in the evening while it's still light. One SG is laying huge eggs...weighed one and it was 88 grams (3.10oz) and yes, scale was tared. Seems all her eghs are around 80 g. Guess lighting was the issue. Don't love that they're laying more due to lights but at least they're not laying every day. Seems like every other day so I guess that gives them a little break. Trying to rework schedule to get out there sooner . Still, wondering what the average SG egg weighs. My others seem to be around 70 g to 79 g based on one day of weighing. ..presuming that larger eggs were SGs' and smaller eggs from our EE and other fluff-mutts...some of which are smaller birds/crosses

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