What is, in your opinion, the friendliest chicken breed?

None of them. I raise them as livestock while chicks, not pets, so out of all of them, none actively seek out cuddles. But I do have a handful that tolerate me messing with them as adults, but they're various breeds. Even silkies here don't seek out attention
I don't typically hand raise chicks, I let the mama hen raise them, so they do not like cuddles or anything, but of the breeds I've had, I have found wyandottes and cochins to be the most friendly. I had this lovely silver laced wyandotte who I nicknamed Friend because every day she would jump over the fence and come find me. If I was inside, she would wait on the doorstep for me to come out and give her treats.
My momma hen won't go broody. So she has kids that end up imprinting on me (which is cute but they can be very needy).
Of the breeds I've had my Australorps and Midnight Majesty Marans hands down. My original Black Copper Marans are pretty friendly being hand raised but most all the others were broody raised so their more, meh.
My buckeyes weren't cuddly, but my uncle commented on how unusual it was that any time someone was out by the coop the whole flock would run to the fence to see what was going on. These weren't hand raised chicks, and my uncle's chicken experience is strictly as livestock.
We never had chickens that you cuddled but they were friendly. There was this one bantam Cochin roo who we called Barney “Fife” (His crowing was pretty bad.) Whenever he saw my husband he would stand up on his box and tapped his feet as though he was excited to see him. My husband would talk to him and he would “dance” even more.

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