What is one thing you want to do before you die?

Watching the wild orcas in Puget Sound is on my bucket list.
I've already done one of the things, which is to see and spend some time in the Grand Canyon. ✔️
Other US national places of interest I would love to see, like Mount Rushmore.
I would also like to take a hot air balloon ride.
Do yourself one better than just a hot air balloon ride - go to the Arizona Balloon Classic out in Arizona! It's in early February.
Do yourself one better than just a hot air balloon ride - go to the Arizona Balloon Classic out in Arizona! It's in early February.
They have good balloon rallies in Albuquerque, NM and also in Farmington, NM. I think Farmington's is usually over the Memorial Day weekend. They do a Dip n Dash at Farmington Lake, always fun!

…. Also how was everyone's Halloween?

We have no serious Halloween where I live. It’s not a Dutch (European?*) thing except for some who are remembering their lost ones with a bouquet 💐 and a visit to the graveyard. Churches are more filled than usual because of this remembrance day.
The halloween party’s here came over from the US in the last 10 years. Very rarely I see decorations at someone’s house.

Ps * Fyi:
Halloween is not originally an American holiday, as so many people think. October 31 was the last day of the year (start of the winter) for the Celts in Great Britain and Ireland. This day was called Samhain.
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