What is this saddle feather you speak of?

Ooooookkkaaaayyyyy... they kinda do look like a saddle. Kinda like an english saddle, sort of.
So on the boys they are spikyer (sp?) and on the girls they are round-ish.

So how do you tell on a silkie? They all look alike to me.


I'm having a hard time identifying saddle anything on this lot.
For Silkies you don't look at the saddle feathers. You look at the head feathers. Males will have "streamers" coming out of their head feathers. It makes them look like they're slicked back. At that age though, it's too hard to tell. You will have to wait a while longer.

You can also look at the comb and wattles. That's another dead give away. The males will have bigger combs and the wattles will be more prominent.
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