What kind of Bantam chick is this?


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 5, 2014
Springfield, IL
I bought these two over the weekend at our local Farm and Fleet. They are bantams, and she said they came from an assorted bunch, so not sure of the breed... Anyone have any ideas? Barred Rock or Dominique? Although the photo doesn't show it, they are almost identical in color, although it seems like one is getting more silver by the day...

I am pretty sure it's a single comb... Would I be able to tell at three weeks? Maybe the other option is a cuckoo marans?
At three weeks, I'm pretty sure you can. A single comb will have a few raised bumps, and a rose comb will look like one little bump/bubble:

Cuckoo marans will have pinkish white legs, whereas dominiques and barred rocks will have yellow legs
Thanks so much for your help. They definitely have yellow legs, with some dark shading on the front. Looks like a single comb, too. One looks to have white feathers with small black stripes, and one appears to have black feathers with small white stripes. From your descriptions, I think they're barred rock...

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