What kind of pigeon is this??

Iain Utah

12 Years
Dec 17, 2011
I was working with my avian vet today, who is doing research at the university. He brought a donated pigeon for his work. When he took her out of the box, I immediately felt drawn to her as she acted very calm and pet-like. We talked a bit and I was feeling very uncomfortable with the fate of this bird. Then, when doing tests before procedure, a critical machine broke, stopping the process for today. I asked what would happen now and he replied that he would have to bring her back next week to try again. He then said he could easily get another pigeon if I wanted her. So...... here I am, hanging out with a pigeon (and I know nothing about pigeons). She enjoys perching on my finger, sleeping on my chest and is super calm. I know nothing about pigeons, but this seems like it would be very unusual?

Anyone know what breed she may be?
Thanks! I was quite taken by her beautiful looks and sweet personality. Google research is leading me to believe she is a saddleback fantail breed and possibly a dove?
I do see something like fantail in there. She doesn't necessarily have to be pure. As to pigeons and doves, there's no scientific difference, none. She's a pigeon LOL. Among fanciers, there is usually a defining line set up, I'm yet to totally figure out what it is, but the smaller wilder birds are more often referred to as doves, I find larger more domesticated birds usually take pigeon. Also, those breeds decending from the rock dove are called pigeons. Which would include your bird, and most domestic pigeon breeds.
As to pigeons and doves, there's no scientific difference, none. She's a pigeon LOL. Among fanciers, there is usually a defining line set up, I'm yet to totally figure out what it is, but the smaller wilder birds are more often referred to as doves,
I know where fowlsessed is coming from with that statement and technically is probably more right than wrong.
Ring neck doves for example and the like that coo and do "NOT" vocalize in the same manner as pigeons we refer to as doves (they are usually much smaller and not as muscular as the pigeon).
These so called doves (donkeys) will however breed with pigeons (horses) in captivity the result being mules. However to quote fowlsessed again "As to pigeons and doves, there's no scientific difference, none.

Fanciers on the other hand would dispute scientific finding
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From the photo provided by Iain Utah I would think that if this bird if bred to a pigeon it's off spring would be fertile. The head and the cere resemble more of a pigeon than a dove and the tail on closer examination does resemble a fantail pigeon which are poor fliers and very calm and docile birds. Listen to its vocalization if it does coo like mourning or ringneck doves I will admit I was wrong.
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Thanks for the explanation. My vet said she is a fancy pigeon, but when I have shown this picture to other people, they refer to her as a dove. She is extremely calm and does not fly very well. When she gets curious or animated, her tail resembles a peacock the way it sticks straight up and fans out. She is almost eerily silent, but she does make a quiet coo sound when I talk sweetly to her. I do not know sound differences but if I had to guess, she sounds like a pigeon.

I have had a large number of geese and ducks for a few years and feel very knowledgeable about them, but am pretty clueless about pigeons. Any tips about proper care or better understanding of her needs and wants would be much appreciated!
Not the best picture.... but you can see how her tail sticks up. It seems to fan out more when she is excited. She also had feathers on her legs, but my vet had plucked them (and her belly) before I claimed her.

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