What kind of snake is it?

I agree,a baby corn snake, though not as colorful as an adult. If not than a Banded Crate or Two Stepper.
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Both the gopher, corn, rat and milk snakes have similar patterns on their backs to him but, his belly and head patterns are different.
Thanks for the links everyone!

I still can't find what he is.
I give up! I am going to stick with Birdaholics suggestion, Copper-headed rattlemoccasain.
After the garage snake and right before the copperhead I looked up online 'snakes native to Arkansas'.....that certainly helped me in the split second after the copperhead ran over my toe and seconds before the shovel came down on it's head. I KNEW I was killing a poisonous snake that not only could bite me or my DH or my grandkids but also one that was headed right to my chicken coop and run. It was less than a foot from it when I did away with it.

So, I was glad that I had gotten a little educated about snakes in my area.
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