WHAT Kind of SPIDER is this???

Those are the prettiest spiders! They are Argiope aurantia, commonly known as black and yellow garden spider or a corn spider.

And that one's a girl not a boy.
Looks like a wolf spider... and they JUMP on you to try to KILL you too!!
They lay eggs IN your eyeballs! Its true...i saw it on t.v. once... (
Nope..they ALL must die here. **smoosh!*
Did you know that the Daddy Long Legs are the most venimous spiders? Their fangs are so short, they can't penetrate the skin, so we really don't need to worry about them. I just thought that was interesting, as my kids informed me of this a while ago.
b.hromada :

Did you know that the Daddy Long Legs are the most venimous spiders? Their fangs are so short, they can't penetrate the skin, so we really don't need to worry about them. I just thought that was interesting, as my kids informed me of this a while ago.

I think that is a myth. Daddy long legs are arachnids (non spider) and are non-venomous. However, the Cellar Spider which is usually mistaken for the Daddy Long Leg, does have venom and about the same length of fangs as other spiders, but is not dangerous to humans. I think the Myth busters done a show over the Cellar spider, I'll try and look it up.​
I think spiders are wonderful and beneficial to have around. I really don't want them crawling around on me, but can't ever remember killing one purposely. I do move them outside if they are being bothersome. After reading Charlotte's Web as a kid, it just never seemed ok to kill these creatures. I know people that are terrified of them, but could never understand it myself. We are all part of the web of life, (no pun intended) even scary things like spiders and snakes.
I have 2 rules about spiders and neither of them are negotiable.
#1..All spiders that remain outdoors shall live a long and happy life.
#2 All spiders that come into the house must be killed and removed by the husband or...
the husband gets to patch bullet holes because I promise you I WILL get my .22 out and shoot the creepy nasties off the wall.
Spiders freak me out
Over the years I've made the mistake of killing Wolf spiders around my house and now the last 2 years I've had to deal with a "fiddle back" infestation. Well guess what the only natural predator is for brown recluse (aka fiddle backs) the freakin' harmless to human WOLF Spider that I've been killing.
Dang... see now that confuses me. I just want to kill them all... cant i just kill them all??

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