What name?

Kali (Hindu) is another misunderstood goddess. I'm sure someone of the Hindu faith would be better at explaining, but she's often thought of as a dark foreboding goddess. A little off putting because she's depicted standing on a pile of children's skulls and known for ripping people's eyelids off ... but she hasn't killed those children, she stands there accusing the world ... YOU have killed these children, and I will not be calm about it, I will not forget! She rips the eyelids off of people so that they can not turn away ... they must face what the evils of the world have done.
Well, I finally came up with a name for the EE. The name is BOO! He (or she) likes to disappear than reappear out of nowhere.
Even though today, Boo got himself stuck in the feeder so I had to pull a rescue mission. Thankfully I know how the feeder comes apart and was able to save him easily.
Time to go hunting for him again!!!! I'll be thankful when the run gets put back up this weekend.
Isn't he handsome?
Boo is a cute name! I have an EE named Dena, short for Houdini, because she was always getting out of the pen when she was a chick. Great minds think alike!

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