What standard breeds wont pick on bantams?

Probably Buff Orpingtons, mine were always well behaved, and our wyandottes were always submissive. On the other hand, my EEs and Ameraucanas have always been top dogs.
But, dont assume that your banties will be the bottom of the pecking order, it really depends on their breed. I have a banty araucana hen who is always top dog in the pen, and I had a banty roo who kicked the butt of a giant maran rooster that was 3 times his size. I found the maran with his head in the corner and the banty standing on top of him just ripping his feathers out. However, my silkies are always low in the hierarchy because they cant see anything due to their big poofs. LOL.

That's funny.... My top hen is a Silkie!! She claimed it pretty quickly, knocking my bantam cochin, Tina, out of the alpha spot.
I have a standard cochin who is my only standard hen. She is very sweet and doesn't pick on anyone. Her best friend is the Millie Fleur d'uccle. It's pretty funny to see those two run around together!
I have a barred rock, buff orphington, and black austrolorp in with my millie fluer's and the bantams are all above the black austrolorp and buff orphington. with the barred rock in the alpha position. but I did introduce the BO and BA the very last to the flock last year. But I really don't see any picking on the bantams.

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