What the HECK??


The Great Guru of Yap
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Aug 25, 2008
The Carpal Tunnel Rehab Center
My neighbors on the corner have a pony. In a very small corral with no shelter, while they have a very large yard (dirt, no grass). So each time I drive by, I peek in at the pony. Yup still there, no shelter. I drive by the other day and saw a large lump in the corral. I hit the brakes and looked closely. ITS A COW!!!!! IN the corral with the pony. WTH??

By the way it was been around 105 degrees all week. With no shelter
I need to call animal control.
My neighbors one house down has a horse just standing there in one of those tarp-like carports. No grass, no yard, just him in the driveway. I've named her Daisy. At least Daisy has shade! Poor things with no shelter??
The no shelter bugs me, but a COW??? In with a pony? I have been tempted to go over there and ask them if I can bring their pony home for a while so he can play. Horses LOVE to play and he is stuck in that thing 24/7 - with a cow.

My horses have no grazing grass, but trust me, they get fed very well!! Two bales of bermuda in the morning and two bales of alfalfa #1 at night. Every other week they get rice, rolled oats, rolled alfafa mixed with oil (they need weight, but it is too hot to give them that all the time right now).
I don't think cows and ponies are disagreeable company... it's better than NONE. They are both social creatures. But yes, call animal control about having no shelter for TWO now...
HAHAHA!!! I know that to be true. My issue is that they are BOTH in that small corral. I thought it was too small for the pony before, and now Bessie is in there with him.
And yes, this is the face of shock from un-farm-educated gal.
Am I wrong about the space? If I am I will shut up because I really don't know, but we make sure our horses are out every morning so they get their play time in and can run around.

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