What to do? Hubby doesn't want all 5!

Yesterday after he got all moody, two of the chicks were being super LOUD in the garage and he's all "SHUT THE (insert bad word here) UP!" He said it too loud, my daughter heard him and scolded him for yelling at her "baby chicks".
Out of the mouths of BABES
I think I would be thrilled if my husband came home and surprised me with chicks, a cat a dog, bunny or goats. I am an animal person, too, so I don't get the being annoyed part at all. Good for you, for keeping them and enjoying them. They are little cuties.
How do you count 165 chickens? I have 39 or 40 (I forget which) and I have to count them as they run out the door in the morning.
It is the odd number he is balking at along with the fact you didn't get him one, go back to the store and get him his very own chick.

Just don't tell him that some joker from Maine with the handle of theFox told you to get him his very own fuzzy butt

*laughing* @theFox. I think that is the best idea ever! How could your DH resist his very own fuzzybutt? Besides, 5 is an odd number. You NEED 1 more!
Mine, I guess. Daisy is our 2 year old boxer/lab mix and Smokey is our 4 year old chihuahua rescue. I do more with/for them than anyone else.

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