What treat did your chickies get today?

My chickens got...wait for it...greens glorious greens! They weren't so keen...probably wondered why they didn't get mealworms this morning!
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I tried zucchini this morning...they took one bite and gave me a "what..." look and walked away. Oh well, we have plenty, guess they are a bit particular.
I tried to make fermented feed with quinoa, pumpkin seeds, corn, wheat, sesame seeds, millet, and whole oats and that was a definite hit. The smell makes me nauseous (pregnant) so I am not sure I am going to open the jar again, but it was a hit for the 30 seconds it lasted.
Lol! Glad mine aren't the only ones that give a look like "what is this?" when I give them anything besides the yummy whole grain bread ends that they love ;P Its funny!

Today mine got some bananas that were too ripe for us to eat and some of the bread :) Happy chickens! The other day I gave them some lettuce and carrots that I had leftover and they weren't too keen on that, but they eventually ate it ;)
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Argh! I'm so frustrated with myself. I grew too much fodder for my small flock and the roots have molded before I even had a chance to share it with my FIL. I've probably used 1/10th of the batch.
I think I will wait until they are a little bit older before trying for full out fodder and stick to just trying to sprout some stuff.

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