What's the deal with Chinese mealworms?


Apr 14, 2020
Boston, MA
So fairly new to this chicken life, and I've been getting a ton of targeted ads about any and all things chicken, including ads from Grubblies, which tell me they sell mealworms that are not from China. My first thought was, "why is that a selling point?" Is there a problem with Chinese mealworms that I should be aware of? I went to their site to learn more, but beyond highlighting a lot of testimonials that mention this ("So glad to buy my chooks a snack that's not from China!" etc.) I didn't see them explain why this is an issue. I searched this site, too, and didn't find any answers, just positive comments about the company not using mealworms from China.

So what's the deal?
I’ve never bought a mealworm from any country, but I’d guess people would give one or both of these reasons:

1. China doesn’t have the same level of food safety regulations as we have in North America, so there is concern about what’s in those worms.

2.Buying bugs to feed your flock from the other side of the planet is a bit of an environmental nightmare...and kind of the polar opposite of the “local food” ideals that lead many to want backyard chickens.
I’ve never bought a mealworm from any country, but I’d guess people would give one or both of these reasons:

1. China doesn’t have the same level of food safety regulations as we have in North America, so there is concern about what’s in those worms.

2.Buying bugs to feed your flock from the other side of the planet is a bit of an environmental nightmare...and kind of the polar opposite of the “local food” ideals that lead many to want backyard chickens.

Thanks. This makes sense.
Grubblies are soldier fly larva not meal worms. They are supposed to be more nutritious. Many like them better. I try to avoid anything made or grown in China. YMMV
I first bought Black Soldier Fly Larva, also thinking they were more nutritious than Mealworms... Then I realized, all the ads that tout the BSFL's only claim to fame is more calcium. With a little research, I found that Mealworms have more protein than BSFL.
Calcium is cheap... I would consider Mealworms a better deal!
I first bought Black Soldier Fly Larva, also thinking they were more nutritious than Mealworms... Then I realized, all the ads that tout the BSFL's only claim to fame is more calcium. With a little research, I found that Mealworms have more protein than BSFL.
Calcium is cheap... I would consider Mealworms a better deal!
I'll stick to the BSFL grown in America.

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