What's YOUR chickens' favorite treat?

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Funny--mine were lukewarm on the dried mealworms, yogurt, and black oiled sunflower seeds. Maybe they're too young? (6 weeks)
They LOVE cucumbers, watermelon, and bread. They also go crazy for mash (just chick feed and water mushed up--we make up bowls of it for our crossbeak, but they all love it!) They also love beetles, earthworms, and Mosquitos. Go get 'em, chickens!! :)
Cooked shrimp heads and shells. My girls are spoilt, they. Look at me like I'm crazy if I don't run them in the food ninga first. But oh my they about lick the plate! I keep the heads frozen and chop them up as I need them.
about treats I tried , cottage cheese, yogurt, bananas, cheerios, carrot's they dont really like those much, the meal worms are ok ,but they love cabbage,more then meal worms & love cooked eggs, i toss a tiny bit of bread to them about once a week & made them corn bread, & cooked boxed mac & cheese they love it, & love cooked oatmeal & left over cooked veggies, but we saw them catch kill & eat mice ...?
gosh ..??
we have tiny field mice around here now, from all the scratch on the grown, and my chickens catch mice & eat them, i never knew chickens hunt kill & eat mice..? but mine do....?? we have 15 birds that do a better job as killers then the wild cats..??? ....lol....did any one know chickens do that...???....lol.... i guess we have killer chickens...??? geeezzzer...????
....lol..... good thing they dont like to eat humans....lol.......lol...
sorry i have been away my PC has been down for months, and in those last months ,my hubby was in hospital, he is fine now & during that time I trained our cranky mixed up rooster not to attack any more, he is better now and listens to me when i tell him to go away, but still does not like strangers, which i like that about him, he is a good guard dog , he has guarded our entire place wile my hubby was away , I posted a pic of our Chicky boy sleeping under his umbrella, as my avatar . take care all Dianna
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