What's your flock's favorite treat?

Favorite Treats

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Shrimp tails, cracked corn (from their feed), any weeds/greens in the garden, grapes. I don’t give a lot of treats, but if I find big pieces of corn in their feed I’ll put in a small container and use it to wrangle them up when they are out, or if a few grapes are soggy/limp they get those, or when we have shrimp every few weeks I save the tails for them!
My girls LOVE corn on the cobb. At first, they had no idea but when they caught on what it was all about, they went crazy!!
The absolutely mad thing though is that they don't like meal worms!! What self-respecting fowl doesn't like meal worms I mean, really...
Mine love to bite corn on the cob, but my corn bites back!
Stealing chicken nuggets from children. I think I might have to ban chicken nuggets at the outdoor picnic area after our last picnic where yet another chicken nugget was stolen. This time by a chicken flying through the air to steal it out of my kids hand. I wasn't even mad at that point just:
golden girls what GIF

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