Wheezing cockerel with white in throat.


10 Years
Apr 5, 2013
Fossil, OR
I have a cockerel (assumed) that has been wheezing for a couple days. The first day there was a crackling noise, but that has gone. He extends his neck as he is exhaling, which he does through his mouth. I've listened to his chest and there is no sound coming from his lungs, only the wheezing in his throat. He still eats and drinks and will wander around on occasion, but he prefers to stand around in one area. I've looked down his throat and there is some white stuff with some black specks a little ways down the back of his throat. I would get a picture for reference, but I don't have a decent enough camera. Poop is "normal", and by that I mean a dark green with white cap, but it seems to have an excess amount of white to me.

I haven't had any illnesses in my flock for two years, so I don't have anything for treatment at the moment (I only have electrolytes with vitamins, which I gave him for now), but once I know what he needs I can order it online (TSC does not exist here, and the closest feed store which is 20 miles away doesn't hardly have anything, especially for chickens). I just need to know what it is and what I need to treat it. Not having had to deal with illnesses, I have no idea what it could be.

He's a BLRW about 3 months old now. None of the other birds show symptoms of any kind. He is currently inside the house in a crate (he was sitting on the piano bench that I use for a table, watching TV with me, but I had to take the laptop downtown to sit out here in the cold night to get a wifi signal to find out what's wrong with him). The most recent "additions" to the flock I got over a month ago as day old chicks, and have not come in contact with the rest of the flock, as they are in my bathtub still.

Any help is greatly appreciated. The sooner the better, because I don't have internet at home and have to trek to find a signal half the time, and I would like to order what I need as soon as possible. I can't take him to a vet, as there isn't one anywhere near here, and they don't treat chickens as far as I can tell, because people around here tend to just cull any birds that get sick, or they simply leave them to die, as a neighbor did a while back.

I live in a small town in the middle of nowhere, where most people don't even bother with chickens and know next to nothing about them, so they can't help me. Google search doesn't help me all that much, either.
Wasn't sure if the video would upload or be any good. Here is a poor quality recording of the wheezing. Having his eyes closed often could be another symptom, or he's just so tired because he can't sleep well with the wheezing/breathing problems.

Anyone? Normally I'd be more patient, but I've been working more because of all the summer events going on in town, and I can't check for answers anytime I want to. As I said, I have to trek around to get a wifi signal (I don't have a car, so I have to walk).

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