When might my khaki Campbell's ducks lay?


8 Years
Aug 28, 2015
Mountains of Fayette County, WV
I was given a pair of Khaki Campbell's ducks that are about 24 weeks and a drake with 3 females that are about 19 weeks. All are in the same pen together. They have a small barn style house with bedding in nesting box, no eggs yet. My question is, when might my females start laying. Also, when should I begin feeding layer pellets? Right now they're given Purina flock raiser with a little cracked corn mixed in (2 cups corn with 10 cups grain) their feed container. They have a pool (changed every other day), a fountain waterer and pan of water (cleaned daily). The person who gave me the 6 ducks has 2 Pekin ducks who just started laying 2 days ago at 16/17 weeks old.

They're pen is the one between the 2 larger coops until we can get they're new pen with a creek fed pond built hopefully before it snows (a friend is going loan us the equipment, but can't get until he can haul it to us).
At 18 weeks they should already be at layer pellets.
And it takes about 18 to 24 weeks to start laying. So I'm surprised they haven't layed yet:confused:
Hi there. Well, in this forum, you will probably get all kinds of different advice. The fact is--you may already know just as much as some of the advisers! From what I have read in your posts, you seem very well informed, by your own studies. I don't have any advice for you except this: please just try to be patient. Your ducks will start laying whenever they are good and ready. We can't do anything to change it. Have faith, and keep up the good work!
Hi there. Well, in this forum, you will probably get all kinds of different advice. The fact is--you may already know just as much as some of the advisers! From what I have read in your posts, you seem very well informed, by your own studies. I don't have any advice for you except this: please just try to be patient. Your ducks will start laying whenever they are good and ready. We can't do anything to change it. Have faith, and keep up the good work!
Thank you, yes it is definitely a wait n see. I check daily just in case.

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