Where to buy Organic Chicken Feed?

some farmers markets have stricter guidlines than usda organic. there are other certifications for organic including state level and private entities. interesting about the $ output to be labeled. I am a small farmer and the cost of getting labeled is too high to make it worth it.

the Costco feed is a 40# bag. so its a good deal at 50 cents # but only saving 10 cents #. so after treking to the coh and buying that "good buy" you probably arent saving any money.

I will post a picture of the label tomorrow. however it does say to begin feeding it when they start laying so I dont know if I should be using it for the chicks.

thanks for posting about your feed I will let the local feed stores know your info
The costco feed has soybean in it right? I believe I see that as a ingredient. Do they make a soy free version?

I read it as soybean meal is the third ingredient in the label posted of the Costco feed. Knowing Costco, they probably don't have a soy-free option, but I don't know. Perhaps you can contact Costco and/or the mfr of the feed "Nature Smart".
I was just wondering if they had a SOY FREE option readily available? Looks like they don't as I searched..I was really hoping they did! I'm trying to keep my birds fed on a NON SOY all USDA certified organic feed. Right now I order my feed from a mill called countryside organics. I thought it sure would be easier if costco carried a organic! When I saw they did I was very excited but I see it's soy based. I was hoping they offered a non soy as well but from searching I don't think they do. It would have been much more convenient than having to order. But the order only takes around 4 days to arrive it's just the shipping on a 50 pound bag is not cheap . Other than that I'm very happy with my feed. Just thought I might save a little money and get it from costco, but since they don't have a soy free version, I guess I'll continue to order my feed.

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