Who is setting eggs today - 4/14?

Did some candling today. I wasn't very organized about it... will give it a better effort when I can dedicate some quality time to it. Very exciting to see developing chicks!!! Some are too close to call and some of the brown eggs are too dark to see. was glad i did though.. found one that had a crack in it and discarded it. I have picked up on the comments of others bout exploding stinky eggs. Don't want to experience that! I was thrilled that this might actually work!!! Guess we'll find out on May 6th.

I had a small crack in one of my turkey eggs 1/2 way through the incubation period, and I put some Elmers glue over it and the turkey hatched!
Sorry if this posts twice. technical difficulties...the cockateil was stepping on the keyboard. I have a question... I set my eggs seven days ago today. At what point do you know fore sure an egg will not develop? is it safe to discard the ones that look like duds or is it too soon?
I candled last night and out of the 36 bantam eggs, only 2 had development and one was dead. So I have one bantam egg left. I got these from a friend so I was unsure of the quality of them when I got them but the air cells were pretty large when I got them so I think they already had some age on them when they arrived. Then they had to wait a little longer until there was room in one of my incubators! Kind of disappointing but I'll be okay. The three Blue Laced Red Wyandotte eggs I set from my flock are doing great! I also have two blue eggs in there and they are growing very well too! The blue eggs are going to be a surprise! I don't know if my bantam rooster or BLRW rooster is the dad. I have a second BLRW rooster I keep in the mutt pen as a back up in case something happens to my main roo!
Hi! I guess I can reply to this thread. I set some eggs on 4/13 late in the day, so I guess technically the first day would be 4/14. Anyway, I bought some eggs off a fellow byc'er and boy did I get a nice mix of different colored eggs. Every color imaginable! Light blue, olive green, a white one, darker brown, light brown. Got 16 total.

This is our first hatch, I'm really doing this for my kids, so they can learn from this and see how the chicks develop. They are so into it. They are 9, 7, 5 and my 20 month old twins (but they don't know what's up, LOL).

We candled them almost every day (I know I probably shouldn't but this is a learning experience as much as hopefully getting some new babies) and so far, we've had 2 losses, now possibly 3. One had no growth that I could make out, one had a blood ring, and one that my dd accidentally cracked which was growing, but now appears to have no veins and no movement. The rest appear to be doing very well. We can see the movement in all of them and my girls are absolutely fascinated by this.

Oh, there was one other egg that was cracked which I melted candle wax over and that egg also seems to be doing well.

I'm hoping that everyone does well since this is our first time. My kids are so excited!!

I am using the LG still air. But it seems to hold a temp well, and I don't have a hygrometer, so I'm kind of checking air cells and comparing to pics.

Good luck to everyone else!
Well, haven't posted in a while because I was pretty sure I had killed all of mine. Had made some modifications to my home-made incubator, doubling the capacity from 30 to 60, thought I had the temperature almost stabilized and went to bed. The next morning the temp was 107.8, so I was afraid I had killed them all, and was just treating it as chance to work out the kinks with eggs in there. Did finally get it squared away after some wild temp fluctuations, and much to my surprise they were looking pretty good when I candled them! Looks like I may even have 3 duck and 1 goose egg that are actually developing as well. Will candle them again and let you all know how they are doing!

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